
Complex Sentences & Modal Verbs - Intermediate English with Mark #21

AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

State & Dynamic Verbs - Intermediate English with Mark #10

AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Present Simple & Continuous - Intermediate English with Mark #9

AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Auxiliary Verbs & Making Questions - Intermediate English with Mark #7

AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Have & Have Got - Intermediate English with Mark #6

AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Auxiliary Verbs - Intermediate English with Mark #4

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

How to use a semicolon - Emma Bryce

It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. It looks like a comma crossed with a period. Maybe that's why we toss these punctuation marks around like grammatical confetti; we're confused about how to use them properly. Emma Bryce clarifies best practices for the semi-confusing semicolon.

Grammar's great divide: The Oxford comma - TED-Ed

If you read "Bob, a DJ and a clown" on a guest list, are three people coming to the party, or only one? That depends on whether you're for or against the Oxford comma -- perhaps the most hotly contested punctuation mark of all time. When do we use one? Can it really be optional, or is there a universal rule? TED-Ed explores both sides of this comma conundrum.

Does grammar matter? - Andreea S. Calude

It can be hard sometimes, when speaking, to remember all of the grammatical rules that guide us when we're writing. When is it right to say "the dog and me" and when should it be "the dog and I"? Does it even matter? Andreea S. Calude dives into the age-old argument between linguistic prescriptivists and descriptivists - who have two very different opinions on the matter.

When to use "me", "myself" and "I" - Emma Bryce

Me, myself, and I. You may be tempted to use these words interchangeably, because they all refer to the same thing. But in fact, each one has a specific role in a sentence: 'I' is a subject pronoun, 'me' is an object pronoun, and 'myself' is a reflexive or intensive pronoun. Emma Bryce explains what each role reveals about where each word belongs.

Comma story - Terisa Folaron

It isn't easy holding complex sentences together (just ask a conjunction or a subordinate), but the clever little comma can help lighten the load. But how to tell when help is really needed? Terisa Folaron offers some tricks of the comma trade.

How to Make Negative Sentences

Mark explains the basic rules for making negative sentences. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Present Tenses

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark introduces two common present tenses. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.


AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark explains the use of adverbs. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.


AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark explains the use of adjectives. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Nouns & Pronouns

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark explains the use of nouns and pronouns. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

The Past Tenses Part 4

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the Past Tenses (Part 4). This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.

The Past Tenses Part 2

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the Past Tenses (Part 2). This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.

The Past Tenses Part 1

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the Past Tenses (Part 1). This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.

The Past Simple Tense

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the Past Tense. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.

The Past Perfect Simple Tense

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the Past Perfect Simple. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.