Forms of Writing - Language Skills 6th for Kids!
YouthEducationWritingLanguageWe hope you are enjoying our large selection of engaging core & elective K-12 learning videos. New videos are added all the time - make sure you come back often to learn more! If you'd like us to cover any additional topics, please let us know.
ChatGPT means the end of homework…or does it?
YouthArtificial IntelligenceFutureWriting...With the dawn of AI chatbots like ChatGPT, kids may be wondering if the dream of someone doing their homework is becoming a reality.
What makes a poem … a poem? - Melissa Kovacs
AdultsHistoryHumanSelf...What exactly makes a poem … a poem? Poets themselves have struggled with this question, often using metaphors to approximate a definition. Is a poem a little machine? A firework? An echo? A dream? Melissa Kovacs shares three recognizable characteristics of most poetry.
What Is A Character?
YouthCreativityWritingEducationCharacters are an important story element! In this video, you'll learn the definition of character. We'll play "Character or Not?" to see what you've learned!