
DIY Lava Lamp

In this fun and easy DIY science experiment, we show you how to make a lava lamp at home with just a few simple ingredients.

Ksenia speaks about her experience studying Hospitality at the Canadian College

AdultsSmrt PathwayEducationBusiness...
Ksenia studied Hospitality Management at the Canadian College in 2011. She is now living in Vancouver and working at a local hotel chain as a banquet server.

Can you solve the trickster god riddle? - Alex Rosenthal

Loki has challenged you to a winner-take-all game to end Ragnarok. Can you beat him and win the right to rule the new world?

Why Don't Snakes Poison Themselves?

Many animal species stuff themselves with toxic chemicals for protection, which forces them to use a handful of distinct strategies to avoid becoming victims of their own weapons.

What Is A Glacier Mouse?

Glaciers are extreme environments, but some are home to 'glacier mice', orange-sized moss balls that seem to move in a peculiar, animal-like way.

The New Year Is Marching In

Grab the kids and count down to the New Year with this super fun New Year action song for kids.

Liliane's Experience Working and Studying in Canada

AdultsSmrt PathwayEducationBusiness...
Liliane speaks about her experience at Canadian College of English Language and her plan to study the International Trade Diploma at the Canadian College.

We Fell For The Oldest Lie On The Internet

“Your blood vessels stretch a staggering 100,000 kilometers, enough to wrap around Earth twice!" Sounds amazing, right? We spent over a year trying to confirm this claim, and let's just say – things aren't as they seem.

Tobi's Question: What Is A Supernova?

Are your kids wondering, “What is a supernova?” This question came from Tobi, a student from the United States.

Where Can We Find Water?

Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about all the places we can find water.

Tsunami: Race Against Time (Full Episode) | The Big One | National Geographic

A massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast generates a huge tsunami. It makes landfall within minutes. Caught unaware, people fight to survive.

Pesto Focaccia | Buddy Oliver

Look no further for easy, same-day Potato and pesto focaccia from my boy Buddy!

The Big Cat With The Coolest Claws

How many claws do cats have? What are claws made of? This is the show that pits the ultimate big cats against one another, in a ferocious battle of skills.

Hiku! Penguin Read Aloud

Hiku is a story about how, with a little space and time to think, even grumpy days can get better.

Smrt English for Young Learners

Smrt English and Little Mountain Learning Academy have developed a curriculum for young learners. This material is appropriate for all age groups including students in Kindergarten, Elementary School and High School.

How to Defend Democracy — and Fight Autocracy | Leopoldo Lopez | TED

Seventy-two percent of the world's population lives under some sort of autocratic rule, says freedom fighter Leopoldo Lopez.

The Strange Physics Principle That Shapes Reality

The single principle that underpins all of physics.

The Tongass National Forest

As Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell traverse over 2,000 miles to reach the Devils Thumb, their last stop is the Tongass National Forest—one of the most biodiverse places in North America.

We're Going On A Christmas Tree Hunt

Sing along to this catchy holiday tune and get into the Christmas spirit with your little ones. It’s the perfect way to make your tree hunt extra special!

On These Questions, Smarter People Do Worse

Being better at math can make you worse at math problems, and it’s completely rational.

Primitive Technology: Tile Capped Mud Walls

I built Mud walls and capped them with roof tiles to protect them from rain. Mud walls if left uncovered in wet weather will dissolve in the rain and collapse.