
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Birds

This summer, we partnered with Nate Senner of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Tebughna School in Beluga, Alaska to make this series of videos all about how, why, and where birds migrate.

Persuasive Writing for Kids: Writing a Rough Draft and Closing

After writing a great introduction, you can finish your draft. And don't forget to wrap up your writing with a good closing or conclusion.

The Four Seasons for Kids

Did you know that the seasons depend on the rotation of the earth around the sun?

The 4 things it takes to be an expert

Which experts have real expertise?

Material Magic - Making Diamonds

Did you know we can actually make diamonds in a lab? It's true! We can!

The Nucleus

Hank does his best to convince us that chemistry is not torture, but is instead the amazing and beautiful science of stuff.


Join Shafin as part of Team Green with this colourful science experiment!

White Tailed Eagle (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is on the Scottish coast , on a mission to get a photo of one of Britain's biggest bird - the White Tailed Eagle.

Hummingbirds Love This Guy's Fairytale Costumes!

Every day, James gets visits from colorful hummingbirds! He loves spending time with them, and they love him, too!

Finances After College | How to College | Crash Course

AdultsLifePersonal FinanceSociety...
If you've taken out student loans, graduation can start a ticking clock in terms of when your first payments will come due.

Persuasive Writing for Kids: Writing an Introduction

If you have brainstormed topic ideas and made a plan of your reasons, you are ready to write. You can hook your reader by writing a good introduction.

We're Going On A Rocket Ship

Hop aboard and count down from ten as we get ready to travel to the moon.

Fire Towers

Charlie, Kirby, and Patrick spend the night in a fire tower in western Montana to learn how forest fires are spotted.

What is Mixotrophy?

Meet the mixotrophs.

Fascinating Oil & Water Science Experiment for Kids

It's just mesmerizing to watch how colour patterns formed in this experiment.

Red Deer (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is on the Isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland, trying to find Britain's largest land mammal - the red deer.

Meet the Animals of Pokémon!

How does Pokémon evolution work? Does Pikachu really exist? Where did Charmander come from?

Persuasive Writing for Kids: Developing Reasons

Watch this video to learn how to make the most convincing reasons possible using counter-arguments and facts about your topic.

We All Fall Down

Walk, gallop, tiptoe, hop, and twirl around the circle with Noodle & Pals in this super fun and active circle time song.

Lost In Light

Lost in Light, a short film on how light pollution affects the view of the night skies.

The Giant Heads of Easter Island for Kids

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is an isolated island off the coast of Chile with an amazing secret: hundreds and hundreds of giant stone heads