
What Holds a Country Together or Tears it Apart? Crash Course Geography #36

Today we’re going to talk about the forces that affect a country’s stability. We’ll take a closer look at Costa Rica, Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil and examine how the cohesiveness of these Latin American countries varies dramatically even though they are in a region with similar characteristics.

Can stereotypes ever be good? - Sheila Marie Orfano and Densho

Explore the model minority stereotype, and discover how it became a label for Asian Americans and is used to enforce racial hierarchies.

Asian-American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with BrainPOP News

Save the Troy Library "Adventures In Reverse Psychology"

"The city of Troy, Michigan was facing a budget shortfall, and was considering closing the Troy Public Library for lack of funds.


Rules: 1. "Don't talk about [Pillow] Fight Club!" 2. Don't be in location until the exact minute. 3. Hide your pillows. 4. Rush in screaming "PILLOW FIIIIIIGHT!!!!!" 5. After 15mins of excruciating fun, leave.

Where will you be able to live in 20 years? - Carol Farbotko and Ingrid Boas

Explore how coastal communities are impacted by climate change and how they’re adapting to rising sea levels and extreme weather.

How To Solve Every Global Crisis

Lots of global problems seem intractable, but there’s a formula for success that we can follow.

The Place Where Time Flows Backwards

People all around the world tend to represent time via space, but there’s no consensus on which way time goes.

Can you solve the fantasy election riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha

After much debate, the realm has decided dragon jousting may not be the best way to choose its leaders, and has begun transitioning to democracy.

How would you finish the sentence, “Imagine if…”? - Sir Ken Robinson

Share how you would reimagine the world by finishing the sentence “Imagine if…”

Online Friends vs IRL Friends - Which is Better?

More people are making friends online than ever before due to Covid-19. Are virtual friends better or worse than IRL friends?

I Asked Bill Gates What's The Next Crisis?

I got the chance to interview Bill Gates so I asked him: Will Covid-19 be the last pandemic? How does he deal with misinformation and conspiracy theories? And what is the next disaster?

Why Blue in Japan Looks Like Green to Americans

Do you think green should be blue? Wait... what?

How Investments Scams Work | Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller

Mariana van Zeller travels to Israel to speak with a big player in the investment scam business, and learns more about how prevalent these scams are.

Which bag should you use?

Explore the environmental impact of three types of bags— plastic, paper, and cloth— to find out how they’re made, used and disposed of.

The Search for History’s Lost Slave Ships | Podcast | Overheard at National Geographic

On the bottom of the world’s oceans lie historic treasures—the lost wrecks of ships that carried enslaved people from Africa to the Americas. Only a handful have been identified so far, but National Geographic explorer and Storytelling Fellow Tara Roberts is documenting the efforts of Black scuba divers and archaeologists to find more, hoping to finally bring their stories to light.

Remembrance Day Resources

TeachersEducationLeadershipTeacher Cafe...
Remembering all that they have done during times of war, military conflict and peace helps us to better understand our nation's history and its future.

Happy World Teachers' Day

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeWork...
This World Teachers’ Day, we are celebrating everyone helping to keep students learning—whether in a classroom, at home, or somewhere in between.

Why Being the President Actually Sucks

You think you have a busy day, a tough life, try running the entire country.

What Should You Do If You're Stuck Inside For Weeks?

Covid-19, A.K.A the Coronavirus, has caused many people to stay inside for long periods of time.

What Happens If You're Quarantined?

COVID-19, more commonly referred to as the Coronavirus, is causing quarantines all over the world. What exactly does that mean?