
How To Find A Galaxy

Knowing the addresses of a thousand galaxies yielded a remarkable picture of our universe.

The Largest Known Star

What is the largest star in the Universe? And why is it that large? And what ARE stars anyway?

Stars For Kids

On a dark clear night, you can see a sky full of stars. But what is a star?

What's The Difference Between Asteroids, Comets, And Meteors?

Asteroids, comets, and meteors: what's the difference?

How Saturn Got Its Rings

There's evidence to suggest Saturn didn't have its rings when the dinosaurs inhabited Earth, so how did they form?

The Last Star

The last star in the universe will be a red dwarf.

The Colours Of Stars

Sam the Bat noticed that some stars are different colors, so Mister Brown teaches him about what colors stars can be, and what all the colors mean!

Does Planet 9 Exist?

A planet has been predicted to orbit the sun with a period of 10,000 years, a mass 5x that of Earth on a highly elliptical and inclined orbit.

We're STILL Not Saying It's Aliens, But Tabby's Star Is Getting Weirder

The light from KIC 8462852 faded again, and scientists have some new theories about what's behind astronomy's most mysterious star.

Decoding the ancient astronomy of Stonehenge

The solstice alignments of Stonehenge, explained.

How to SEE or HEAR the Big Bang

So you know a bit about the Big Bang - but did you know that you can physically see or hear it in your every day life? Find out how 'static' often contains remnants from this monumental event.

The beginning of the universe, for beginners

How did the universe begin -- and how is it expanding? CERN physicist Tom Whyntie shows how cosmologists and particle physicists explore these questions by replicating the heat, energy, and activity of the first few seconds of our universe, from right after the Big Bang.

What Color is the Universe?

When you stare up at the night sky, you might think that the universe is really black, but that's just because our eyes aren't sensitive enough to see the billions and billions of multicolored stars out there. Ever wonder why certain stars are certain colors? And what color is our sun, really? If we looked at enough stars, could we figure out the average color of the universe?

How Many Stars Are There?

Counting stars from the shore of the cosmic ocean...

Could We Stop An Asteroid? Feat. Bill Nye

Could we stop an asteroid on a collision course for Earth?

Solar eclipse: 2015 - Stargazing Live

Miss The Solar Eclipse This Year? Watch This Incredible Footage Of It!

Why Do We Only See One Side of the Moon?

Only one side of the Moon is visible from Earth because the Moon rotates about its spin axis at the same rate that the Moon orbits the Earth, a situation known as synchronous rotation or tidal locking.

Dark matter: The matter we can't see

The Greeks had a simple and elegant formula for the universe: just earth, fire, wind, and water. Turns out there's more to it than that -- a lot more. Visible matter (and that goes beyond the four Greek elements) comprises only 4% of the universe. CERN scientist James Gillies tells us what accounts for the remaining 96% (dark matter and dark energy) and how we might go about detecting it.

Why Does February Only Have 28 Days?

Why does February only get 28 days when all the other months get 30 or 31? The answer is part superstition, part politics, and parts astronomy.

How Big is the Solar System?

The true scale of our cosmic neighborhood. Whoa.

An Astronaut's View of Earth

What it's like to see the Earth from orbit.