
How the Meter Became the Meter

Adults Science
The meter is the world's ultimate measure, but how did it become "the" meter? What is this measurement based on? The story of this revolution in measurement traces its roots to the French Revolution. Scientists decided that an equal and united people should have equal and united measures. So they sent a pair of young astronomers out to measure the world, and invent the meter. Little did they know they'd find nothing but war, deception, and strife along the way. As a result of this ill-fated mission, the meter carries an error that still persists today. Still think the metric system is so perfect?

How Engines Work - Smarter Every Day

Adults Science
See Through engine in slow motion.

Hydrogel: The Future Of The 'Smart Band-Aid'

Adults Science
Engineers at MIT have found a way to prevent hydrogels from dehydrating.

How An Igloo Keeps You Warm

Adults Science
Building a perfect igloo takes cool science!

Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards?

Adults Science
Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it!

Crazy Lake Experiment

Adults Science
1 tablespoon of olive oil destroys half an acre of waves on this lake. What The Physics?!

Why doesn't anything stick to Teflon?

Adults Science
Teflon was in the spacesuits the Apollo crew wore for the moon landing, in pipes and valves used in the Manhattan project, and it may be in your kitchen, as the nonstick coating on frying pans and cookie sheets.

Handheld TESLA COIL GUN at 28,000fps

Adults Science
This is a the musical Tesla coil used in the video, It was a lot of fun and I recommend getting one!

Death From Space

Adults Science
There are cosmic snipers firing at random into the unvierse. What are they and what happens if they hit us?

Indestructible Coating?!

Adults Science
Used in everything from bullet-proof vests to the walls of the Pentagon, polyurea's strength comes from its long-chain molecules.

What the Fahrenheit?!

Adults Science
The crazy story of the arbitrary temperature scale used in a tiny minority of countries.

Is It Okay to Touch Mars?

Adults Science
What exactly makes a journey to Mars so perilous? Is it okay to touch Martian dirt with your bare hands?

Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?

Adults Science
Silicone oil droplets provide a physical realization of pilot wave theories.

The Walking Water Mystery Solved!

Adults Science
Solving a 5 yr old personal mystery about "Why Water Walks on Water".

How To Eradicate One Of Our Deadliest Enemies

Adults Science
We have the choice to attack one of our oldest enemies with genetic engineering. But should we do it?

Why Are Teens So Moody?

Adults Science
A look inside the teenage brain!

The Twins Paradox Primer

Adults Science
How can time be slower and faster at the same time?

What is the biggest single-celled organism?

Adults Science
The elephant is a creature of epic proportions - and yet, it owes its enormity to more than 1,000 trillion microscopic cells.

Real life sunken cities

Adults Science
Though people are most familiar with Plato's fictional Atlantis, many real underwater cities actually exist. Peter Campbell explains how sunken cities are studied by scientists to help us understand the lives of our ancestors, the dynamic nature of our planet, and the impact of each on the other.

Why do we hiccup?

Adults Science
The longest recorded case of hiccups lasted for 68 years ... and was caused by a falling hog. While that level of severity is extremely uncommon, most of us are no stranger to an occasional case of the hiccups. But what causes these 'hics' in the first place? John Cameron takes us into the diaphragm to find out.

7 Tips To Wake Up Without Coffee

Adults Science
How can science help you wake up without coffee?