
Parents Tell Stepparents What They Really Think

AdultsMental HealthPsychologyFamily...
What happens to a family after divorce and remarriage? SoulPancake brings together a blended family and gives them an opportunity to express how they feel about each other.

The Science Of Motivation

What's the best way to stay motivated?

Why are some people left-handed?

AdultsData ScienceHistorySociety...
Today, about one-tenth of the world's population are southpaws. Why are such a small proportion of people left-handed -- and why does the trait exist in the first place? Daniel M. Abrams investigates how the uneven ratio of lefties and righties gives insight into a balance between competitive and cooperative pressures on human evolution.

57 Years Apart

Precocious 7-Year-Old And Witty 64-Year-Old Talk About Aging

People react to being called beautiful

I conducted an independent project, which evidently turned into a social experiment halfway through, regarding beauty at my performing arts high school in Chicago. I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result. Here it is.

How a Bout of Depression Led to Dwayne Johnson's Career-Defining Moment

After playing football for four years at the University of Miami, Dwayne Johnson was passed over by the NFL. While he played for the Canadian Football League for a short time, he was ultimately cut from his team, the Calgary Stampeders, and sent packing. At 23, Dwayne found himself living in his parents' small apartment, battling depression

What makes a hero?

What trials unite not only Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins but many of literature's most interesting heroes? And what do ordinary people have in common with these literary heroes? Matthew Winkler takes us step-by-step through the crucial events that make or break a hero.

Science Of Persuasion

This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective based on the research in Dr. Cialdini's groundbreaking book, Influence. This video is narrated by Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, CMCT.

Why is my voice different when I hear a recording?

A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Kristina Bailey asks, "Why does our voice sound different when we hear an audio or video recording of it?"

Can You Be Scared To Death?

Is it possible to be scared to death?

Why Do We Cry?

Why does your face leak when you're sad or emotional?

Is This Glass Half Empty?

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Remove labels this Ramadan

A person's appearance is usually the first thing we observe about then, but how would people react if you meet someone without actually being able to see them? This is exactly what Coca-Cola set out to find out. 6 strangers were huddled together in a dark room and had interacted with zero visibility in total darkness.

What It Means To "Be A Man"

We invited men from 5 - 50 (and every age in between) to respond to "be a man." These are their responses.

Should you trust your first impression?

You can't help it; sometimes, you just get a bad feeling about someone that's hard to shake. So, what's happening in your brain when you make that critical (and often lasting) first judgment? Peter Mende-Siedlecki shares the social psychology of first impressions -- and why they may indicate that, deep down, people are basically good.

Misconceptions about Sharks

A weekly show where we debunk common misconceptions. This week, Elliott discusses some misconceptions about sharks!

Why Do You Forget Their Name?

Why is it so hard to remember someone's name?

Learned Helplessness

Learned helplessness can prevent people from achieving their goals, something I've experienced first hand.

Can Stress Actually Kill You?

AdultsLifeMental HealthWork...
Should you stress about stress?

The Scientific Power of Meditation

How exactly does meditation affect your body?

Talent vs Training

Which is more important - genetics or hard work?