
Flying Above The Clouds In A Hot Air Balloon

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is the largest hot air balloon event in the world. For 9 days, it brings together pilots and guests from all over the world to witness a one of a kind experience. Seeker takes you to the festival to witness this beautiful event, and to envision what it's like to ride above New Mexico in a Hot Air Balloon.

The Real Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars

AdultsSelf-Driving CarsTechnologyTransportation...
We talk about all the potentially challenging situations autonomous cars could get into but not about how human drivers are not very good.

Why do airlines sell too many tickets?

Have you ever sat in a doctor's office for hours, despite having an appointment?

Amazon Prime Air's First Customer Delivery

Amazon Prime Air has begun private trials in England, and the first customer delivery by drone recently took place.

Alpha Jetman - Human Flight And Beyond 4K

The Patrouille de France and the three Jetmen Yves Rossy, Vincent Reffet and Fred Fugen fly together in an unprecedented aerial choreography.

This Glow In The Dark Bike Path Is Powered By The Sun

Its pavement was made with solar charging luminophores.

The BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100

The BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 has self-balancing systems to keep it upright. The future of motorcycles looks incredibly exciting.

The Simple Solution to Traffic

The way we can make traffic disappear.

Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane

AdultsData ScienceHealthTransportation...
Can we all agree that the left lane is for passing, please?

How Not To Get Stuck In Traffic

Some tips on how to minimize traffic!

Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands

This spring, Google introduced the self-driving bicycle in Amsterdam, the world's premier cycling city. The Dutch cycle more than any other nation in the world, almost 900 kilometres per year per person, amounting to over 15 billion kilometres annually. The self-driving bicycle enables safe navigation through the city for Amsterdam residents, and furthers Google's ambition to improve urban mobility with technology. Google Netherlands takes enormous pride in the fact that a Dutch team worked on this innovation that will have great impact in their home country.

McLaren 675LT vs. a Bicycle | Mashable

Filmmakers Casey Neistat and Lucas Brunelle compete in a race through the streets of New York City. Behind the wheel of a McLaren 675LT, Casey gives us a play-by-play of what it's like to race a bicycle in midday traffic.

Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc

AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTransportation...
February 24 -- There are more than one billion cars on the road worldwide today, and only one tenth of one percent of them have a plug. OPEC contends that even in the year 2040, EVs will make up just one percent.

Smarter Every Day

Can You Land A Helicopter Without Engine Power?

Tesla Unveils Model 3, Its Most Important Electric Car Yet

AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTransportation...
Elon Musk shows off Tesla's $35,000 sedan for the masses.

Transporters and Quantum Teleportation

How Transporters and Quantum Teleportation Work

Alaska Airlines Solar Eclipse Flight

You can't help but get excited when you fly with us and see a solar eclipse. We adjusted Flight #870 from Anchorage to Honolulu on March 8, 2016 just so our passengers could catch the solar eclipse from 35,000 feet.

Why are plane windows round?

We often learn the most from our failures, this is particularly true for advancements in the field of engineering. Unfortunately for the engineers in the aviation industry, the prices to pay for failure are high. This will be a reoccurring theme in my videos, trust me. The flip-side of this unforgiving industry, is that it consistently provides learning opportunities for engineers, because failure is not an option when peoples lives are at risk.

Aircraft with a capsule to save passengers

This Newly Invented Capsule For Aircraft Can Save Passengers During Catastrophe

Practical Tire That Rimmed With Ice

The Lexus hallmarks of expert design, sublime style, and supreme craftsmanship have driven our ethos of Creating Amazing for years, both in our production vehicles and our concepts.

Why Isn't It Faster To Fly West?

If the earth is spinning to the east at 1000 miles per hour... why can't we fly west more easily?