
Is It Better to Be Polite or Frank?

We live in an age that thinks highly of frankness and directness. But there are - nevertheless - a few reasons why politeness remains a hugely important quality.

Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Feelings

AdultsHumanPsychologyMental Health
It can be very hard to detect just how much our judgement is constantly affected by our feelings. We should - at points - take care to be very sceptical of our first impulses.

How We Lie to Ourselves

We are masters at knowing how to lie to ourselves. We pay a heavy price for this self-deception.

Why We Feel Lonely and Odd

AdultsHumanPsychologyMental Health...
We feel lonely and odd because we mistakenly assume that the kind of thoughts and fears we have will have no echo in other people. They do; it's just we haven't found a way to speak to one another honestly about who we are.

6 scientific tricks for falling asleep

Can't sleep? Don't just lie there in bed and stress about it. These tricks will have you snoozing in no time.

The Importance of Vulnerability

We often imagine that what will win us friends and esteem is strength. But surprisingly, it's vulnerability that's at the core of friendship and likeability. This is an invitation to make friends with one's own weaknesses.

Do You Really Have Two Brains?

Are you a left-brained person or a right-brained person? Spoiler: You're neither. Each of us uses both sides of our brain for most of what we do. But still, there are a number of brain functions that do show lateralization, where they are localized to one side or another. Why is this? And how does it influence our definition of consciousness? People with "split brains" can help us figure it out.

Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body? - Maryam Alimardani

Our bodies - the physical, biological parts of us - and our minds - the thinking, conscious aspects - have a complicated, tangled relationship. Which one primarily defines you or your self? Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body? Maryam Alimardani investigates.

What's the definition of comedy? Banana. - Addison Anderson

What makes us giggle and guffaw? The inability to define comedy is its very appeal; it is defined by its defiance of definition. Addison Anderson riffs on the philosophy of Henri Bergson and Aristotle to elucidate how a definition draws borders while comedy breaks them down.

Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch

When faced with a bump in the road, sometimes we forget we have a choice: overcome the obstacle or let it overcome you. Steven Claunch, who was born without fingers on his right hand and with one leg shorter than the other and has excelled in basketball nonetheless, explains why obstacles can provide an opportunity to both inspire others and develop character.

Overcoming Hate - YouTuber KARIM's Story

YouTuber Karim (AreWeFamousNow, KUKU) is an amazing and powerful voice for peace and understanding, calling social injustices out and fighting for tolerance - making a real difference.

Why We Eat Too Much

We're hugely invested in the idea that the cause of obesity lies with diet - and that we should therefore solve the problem with kale and apple soup (and other such products). But the real cause of obesity has nothing to do with food. It lies in our emotional under-nourishment. We will start to eat less when we feel more connected, more understood and more in touch with our feelings.

How to Process Your Emotions

AdultsHumanPsychologyMental Health...
In order to be calm and at ease with ourselves, we need regular periods where we do something rather strange-sounding: process our emotions. Here is a guide to this essential psychological move.

Here's why people are afraid of clowns

AdultsMental HealthPsychologyHumor...
Lots of people are creeped out at the site of clown, whether it's at the circus or creeping around in the woods at night. Movies like Stephen King's "It" and the new season of "American Horror Story" featuring some terrifying clowns that take prey on the fears of the viewer.

How to Remain Calm With People

AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsMental Health...
"One of the most fundamental paths to calm is the power to hold on, even in very challenging situations, to a distinction between what someone does - and what they meant to do....."

Why do we dream? - Amy Adkins

In the 3rd millennium BCE, Mesopotamian kings recorded and interpreted their dreams on wax tablets. In the years since, we haven't paused in our quest to understand why we dream. And while we still don't have any definitive answers, we have some theories. Amy Adkins reveals the top seven reasons why we might dream.

What it takes to run the gnarliest race in the world | Ryan Sandes' Dedicate

Ryan Sandes shocked the running world when he won the 2017 Western States 100 - this is what it took to win one of the gnarliest races in the world.

Why men and women take selfies differently

How you take selfies is all to do with evolution, according to a study by an evolutionary psychologist.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Many of humanity's greatest problems stem not from a shortfall of technical or financial intelligence, but what we term emotional intelligence. It is through the acquisition of Emotional Intelligence that we stand to become better lovers, workers, friends and citizens. We are rarely systematically taught Emotional Intelligence and pay a heavy price for this gap in learning. The School of Life is dedicated to fostering Emotional Intelligence.

Does Your Dog Respond Better When You Use a Baby Voice?

Most people make their voices higher pitched when talking to their pets. But does this Pet-Directed Speech have any influence on animals?

How To Forgive

"It can be so hard to forgive because - so often - we simply are in the right and the scale of the folly, thoughtlessness and meanness of others seems utterly beyond our own measure. But there are two inviolable ideas which should nevertheless, in the face of the grossest behaviour, be kept in mind to increase our chances of cutting others a little slack..."