How To Eradicate One Of Our Deadliest Enemies
AdultsHealthScienceBiotechnologyWe have the choice to attack one of our oldest enemies with genetic engineering. But should we do it?
How To (Literally) Save Earth
AdultsGlobal WarmingWorldEnvironment...Farming erodes soil 50 times faster than it forms. We can change that, but will we?
The Best and Worst Prediction in Science
AdultsCreativityFilmHumor...A guy who just got back from Burning Man struggles mightily to explain what Burning Man was like to a loser who's never been to Burning Man.
What If All The Ice Melted?
AdultsEnvironmentWorldScienceWhat If All The Ice Melted On Earth? ft. Bill Nye
How Will You Die?
AdultsData ScienceLifeScience...Science, statistics and lifestyle can help predict how you will die!
How Do Animals See in the Dark?
AdultsAnimalsBiologyNeuroscience...To human eyes, the world at night is a formless canvas of grey. Many nocturnal animals, on the other hand, experience a rich and varied world, bursting with details, shapes, and colors.
Interactive Dynamic Video
AdultsFilmPhysicsTechnology...Image-Space Modal Bases for Plausible Manipulation of Objects in Video" ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015) by Abe Davis, Justin Chen, Fredo Durand
Is Most Published Research Wrong?
AdultsSocietyData ScienceScience...Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false.
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever
AdultsBiotechnologyFutureGenetics...Designer babies, the end of diseases, genetically modified humans that never age. Outrageous things that used to be science fiction are suddenly becoming reality. The only thing we know for sure is that things will change irreversibly.
Real life sunken cities
AdultsCitiesHistoryScience...Though people are most familiar with Plato's fictional Atlantis, many real underwater cities actually exist. Peter Campbell explains how sunken cities are studied by scientists to help us understand the lives of our ancestors, the dynamic nature of our planet, and the impact of each on the other.
Which sunscreen should you choose?
AdultsGlobal WarmingHealthEnvironment...Sunscreen comes in many forms, each with its own impacts on your body and the environment. With so many options, how do you choose which sunscreen is best for you?