
How a Moveable Space Can Ignite Creativity in the Classroom

Teachers Design Teacher Cafe
What is "design thinking"? It combines hands on learning (tinkering) with independent problem solving methodologies. This type of creative process is used in many design disciplines, like architecture, engineering and game design.

The Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep- Shai Marcu

Teachers Teacher Cafe Health
A Ted-Ed Original Lesson with corresponding questions for students to think, dig deeper and discuss.

Reasons Why The Flipped Classroom Is Here To Stay

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Swaroop Raju, co-founder of eduCanon writes about why the flipped classroom is here for good. The article takes a look at results, restructuring class time and the technology to confirm that a flipped classroom is no longer just for adventurous teachers.

Tiny Tap

Teachers Creativity Productivity Teacher Cafe
A free DIY app creation platform for making your own games, interactive lessons and presentations. With this app you can even create music activities, and illustrated stories.

Tips to Help Students Set New Year Goals

Teachers Productivity Teacher Cafe
The start of 2015 is the perfect time to teach students the importance of setting goals. The article by Janelle Cox highlights tips for students on how to learn the important skills of setting and achieving goals.

Understanding the Errors of Arabic Speaking ELL's- using Slide Share

Teachers Culture Teacher Cafe
Take a look at Slide Share and there collections of various slide shows. This slide show includes a side by side comparisons of Arabic and English, along with illustrations to understand the mistakes of your Arabic language learners.

Presentations with emaze

Teachers Productivity Teacher Cafe
Try out Presentations today with your class. You and your students can make, share and explore different levels and elements with.

Chinese New Year is on Feb 19th 2015- Year of the Goat

Teachers Culture Teacher Cafe
A helpful site for teachers that has put all of the Chinese New Year resources together.

How to Use Recycled Tech Devices as Learning Tools

Teachers Gadgets Teacher Cafe
The movement of un-makings spaces in the classroom. Students get a chance to take apart old electronic devices and ask questions about how they work. Give your class the chance to create something new and share it with others.

Incorporate TED Talks into the Learning Experience

Teachers Teacher Cafe Education
Take the time to try out TED-Ed and all of the creative features it has. Create lessons to go along with almost any video on YouTube. Ted-Ed will provide a structure for questions and feedback.

Pump Students Up With Digital Ice Breakers

Teachers Teacher Cafe Speaking
Digital ice breakers and ideas for getting class started in a positive direction. With a relaxing atmosphere students will be ready to participate and learn, without the pressure of being graded.

Is Your Class On Target?

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A student at heart approach to teaching. It looks at different areas of teaching that teachers should be considering in the classroom for successful results and not only through assessment.

Teach Your Monster To Read

Teachers Gaming Teacher Cafe
A series of free games to help kids master the first stages of learning. Top quality game design mixed with learning essentials. Games help to develop speed and accuracy of letter recognition.

Lessons From Finland: What Educators Can Learn About Leadership

Teachers Culture Education Teacher Cafe
A excerpt from an article written by, Barnett Berry and Ann Bryd, and Alan Wieder that focuses on educators in Finland see themselves as leaders.

Jazz Things Up with These 12 Music Tools

Teachers Music Teacher Cafe
Music is a valuable teaching tool in any subject area. It makes complex concepts more accessible and engaging- sustaining students' learning and adding fun to learning.

Schools Power Up Their Bandwidth to Manage BYOD Demands

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology
Districts use a combination of planning, teamwork and the right technology to revamp the network backbone in support of BYOD and other bandwidth-heavy innovations.

Literacy Through Photography for English-Language Learners

Teachers Photography Reading Teacher Cafe
Paulo Freier encouraged a broader definition of literacy to include the ability to understand both "the word and the world". Literacy includes reading, writing, listening, speaking and analyzing a wide range of texts that include both print and non-print texts.

How to Use the Google Newspaper Archive

Teachers History Reading Teacher Cafe
A short YouTube video about the basics of using Google Newspaper Archive for classroom use. Search for local and regional content for your students, classes and lessons.

Skip the Worksheets! 5 Grammar Games to Play Instead

Teachers Gaming Teacher Cafe
Five great grammar focused games to play instead of traditional worksheets. Keep the classroom balanced and your students active at the same time.

Why Aren't More Schools Using Free, Open Tools?

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A great read for any anyone in the education field. The article written by, Katrnia Schwartz highlights discussions and view from both sides.

What it's like to go on the Internet for the very first time- at age 82

Teachers Internet Culture Teacher Cafe
A crash course in the Internet is what former Swedish actress Kerstin Wolgers did at the age of 82 for the first time. Over the period of only five days, she Googled, Instagrammed, shopped and much more.