
Is Hand Sanitizer Actually Bad For You?

Adults Health
Should you stop using hand sanitizer?

Forget Oxygen-This Leaf Produces Medicine

Adults Health
This artificial leaf creates medicines using sunlight.

Why do we feel nostalgia?

Adults Health
Nostalgia was once considered an illness confined to specific groups of people. Today, people all over the world report experiencing and enjoying nostalgia. But how does nostalgia work? And is it healthy? Clay Routledge details the way our understanding of nostalgia has changed since the term was first coined in the late 17th century.

Which Diets Actually Work?

Adults Health
Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!

Are preservatives bad for you?

Adults Health
Food doesn't last. In days, sometimes hours, bread goes moldy, apple slices turn brown, and bacteria multiply in mayonnaise. But you can find all of these foods out on the shelf at the grocery store, hopefully unspoiled, thanks to preservatives.

Muscle-Mimicking Robots Could Change Physical Therapy

Adults Health
They are flexible and reconfigurable, and behave like actual human muscles.

Is Organic Food Worse For You?

Adults Health
Should you be eating organic food?

Benedict Cumberbatch Does a Magic Trick | Vanity Fair

Adults Health
Water can be cool, but Benedict Cumberbatch makes it cooler.

Could we survive prolonged space travel? - Lisa Nip

Adults Health
Prolonged space travel plays a severe toll on the human body: microgravity impairs muscle and bone growth, and high doses of radiation cause irreversible mutations.

How To Eradicate One Of Our Deadliest Enemies

Adults Health
We have the choice to attack one of our oldest enemies with genetic engineering. But should we do it?

Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane

Adults Health
Can we all agree that the left lane is for passing, please?

Which sunscreen should you choose?

Adults Health
Sunscreen comes in many forms, each with its own impacts on your body and the environment. With so many options, how do you choose which sunscreen is best for you?

7 Tips To Wake Up Without Coffee

Adults Health
How can science help you wake up without coffee?

12 Energy-Boosting Breakfast Toasts

Adults Health
Which toast will you make?

How To Make Raita 3 Ways | Awesome Yoghurt Dressings for Curries

Adults Health
These amazingly healthy yoghurt dressings are a great way to balance out the spice in your dish. Raita is a yoghurt based dressing, often combined with raw vegetables and herbs. These three variations on the classic raita are easy to make and completely fat free!

Salad Isn't Always Good For You

Adults Health
But what actually is in a salad?

What is obesity?

Adults Health
Obesity is an escalating global epidemic. It substantially raises the probability of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and cancer.

How playing sports benefits your body and your brain

Adults Health
The victory of the underdog. The last minute penalty shot that wins the tournament. The training montage. Many people love to glorify victory on the field, cheer for teams, and play sports. But should we be obsessed with sports?

Should You Be Worried About Zika?

Adults Health
Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that was first identified in Uganda in 1947 in monkeys through a network that monitored yellow fever.

Is there a disease that makes us love cats?

Adults Health
Today, about a third of the world's population is infected with a strange disease called toxoplasmosis - and most of them never even know it. And while the parasite can multiply in practically any host, it can only reproduce sexually in the intestines of cats.

How the food you eat affects your brain

Adults Health
When it comes to what you bite, chew and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ in your body: your brain.