
New technology for parking bicycles

Here you'll experience the new technology used for parking bicycles ,its stores them underground to make space to park as much of them as possible in a small area of the land, using an electronic card you can put it in and get it back .

The World's First Cloud Texting Enabled Raspberry Pi Powered Espresso Machine

AdultsCreativityFoodSoftware Engineering...
This is a video featuring the first ever Raspberry Pi powered espresso machine.

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.

The JET Bicycle - The most dangerous unsafe bike EVER

AdultsInternet CultureTransportationEngineering...
An old womans bike built for shopping turned into a bomb inspired safety hazzard. This is the final part in my series on the wonderfull pulse jet and what an end.

GoPro HERO3: Black Edition - Smaller, Lighter and 2X More Powerful

The Wi-Fi enabled HERO3: Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro, ever. No expense was spared during its development, resulting in a GoPro that is 30% smaller, 25% lighter & 2X more powerful than previous models. New resolutions and frame-rates include 4Kp 15, 2.7kp 30, 1080p 60, 1440p 48, 960p 100, 720p 120 and 12MP burst photo capture at 30 fps. Yes, for real.

All eyes on the S4

Find out how people in Zurich used their eyes to win a Samsung Galaxy S4 of their own. It's inbuilt Smart Pause function means the S4 knows when someone is looking at it. The longer a participant stares at the screen, the bigger the discount is. But watch out! The game ends the moment eye contact ends. An S4 was handed out for free after 60 minutes.

Windows Project Glass: One day too...

Microsoft released their augmented reality glasses prototype right away...


Welcome to Rocky Mountain Flyboard, home of the hottest new extreme watersport to hit the Wasatch Front. Whether you want to rocket 45 feet out of the water, swim like a dolphin, or soak the top deck of your group's houseboat at Lake Powell, riding a Flyboard is an experience like none other! Website

How Liquipel Will Make Your Phone Waterproof

We check in with the team at Liquipel, a company that impressed us last year with its water-resistent nano-coating for smartphones. Dunking an iPhone into a tub of water and watching it still work perfectly is still amazing and something our brains struggle to comprehend.

The Official Ultra-Ever Dry Product Video

Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface.

Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter pre-release video

So we have all seen a quadrocopter before, but just look at the size and agility of this one. Needless to say that sound is quite scary when it just comes out of nowhere! Turn your volume up for a jumpy ride.

Watch the World's Highest Resolution Drone-Mounted Camera in Action

Sure, your phone can take a decent picture, but it's not even in the same universe as the best camera the government's got. At 1.8 pixels, the DARPA-developed ARGUS-IS the highest resolution surveillance platform in the world, and, when mounted to a drone, can single-handedly do the work of an army of 100 predator drones watching the area of one medium-sized city.

Terminator' arm is world's most advanced prosthetic limb

A father who lost his arm in an accident six years ago has been given a new lease of life by a hi-tech bionic hand which is so precise he can type again. Nigel Ackland, 53, has been fitted with the Terminator-like carbon fibre mechanical hand which he can control with movements in his upper arm. The new bebionic3 myoelectric hand, which is also made from aluminium and alloy knuckles, moves like a real human limb by responding to Nigel's muscle twitches. Incredibly, the robotic arm is so sensitive it means the father-of-one can touch type on a computer keyboard, peel vegetables, and even dress himself for the first time in six years.

Here's the Surface tablet I really want!

Some Australian dude upgraded his Surface table (which ran a special version of Windows 7) to regular Windows 8 -- and here's what it looks like. What's the matter with you, Microsoft? Are you going to wait until Apple has a giant touch desktop on the market for four years before you try to enter the market?

The Killer Whale Submarine

This is the streamlined, two-person watercraft that breaches and submerges just like the Orcinus orca after which it is designed. A pilot protected beneath its watertight 1/2"-thick acrylic canopy pushes and pulls twin control levers to articulate the whale's pectoral fins for rolls and stealthy dives. With a finger on the right lever's throttle trigger, steering is provided by dual foot pedals that control the vectored thrust of the craft's 255-hp supercharged Rotax axial flow engine, enabling realistic behaviors such as porpoising or skyhopping.

Use a Cordless Power Drill in the Kitchen

A cordless drill is probably the last thing you'd imagine being useful in a kitchen, but over on Make Projects, DIYer Jason Poel Smith shows off how to use a drill to quickly clean dirty pans, as a mixer, cheese grater, and pepper mill attachment.

How to Wrap Your Heaphones Without Losing Your Mind

Now you can watch videos without fighting your crazy pile of headphones first.