People on the subway

When the car lost control, I was driving to class. The other car stopped and we all got out. Everyone was okay.

Past Simple


Positive Negative Questions
I walked. I did not (didn't) walk. Did I walk?
You played. You did not (didn't) play. Did you play?
He cooked. He did not (didn't) cook. Did he cook?
She listened. She did not (didn't) listen. Did she listen?
It rained. It did not (didn't) rain. Did it rain?
We ate. We did not (didn't) eat. Did we eat?
They drank. They did not (didn't) drink. Did they drink?

Spelling of Regular Verbs: Rule #1

verb + ed

  • open → opened
  • play → played
  • start → started

Spelling of Regular Verbs: Rule #2

Add a d if a verb ends in e

  • receive → received
  • use → used
  • retire → retired

Spelling of Regular Verbs: Rule #3

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