Vocabulary Slideshow

Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
actually Adverb Driving is actually pretty easy to learn.
around #1 Adverb Class usually finishes at around 7 o'clock.
around #2 Preposition Let's drive around the city today.
arrive Verb What time do you usually arrive at work?
automatic Adjective Most new cars have automatic transmissions.
both Determiner Both of my vehicles are sedans.
cabin Noun The car’s cabin is really small and uncomfortable.
check Verb She is checking the engine because the car isn’t working.
coupe Noun After he had children, he sold his coupe for a more practical car.
customer Noun There are many customers at the dealership.
dislike Verb Why do you dislike SUVs? I think they’re great!
efficient Adjective SUVs are usually less efficient than coupes.
fact Noun It is a fact that we need water to live.
feature Noun If you want extra features, like GPS, it costs more money.
fix Verb Do you know how to fix cars?
fuel Noun, Verb This car uses too much fuel.
get #1 Verb Do you know how to get to the train station?
get #2 Verb Where did you get that sedan?
habit Noun Texting and driving is a bad habit.
handling Noun Sports cars usually have great handling.
inside Preposition It's cold. Let's go inside.
interior Noun, Adjective The car’s interior is leather.
join Verb Do you want to join me for lunch today?
leave Verb Please don't leave. We are not finished.
luxury Noun, Adjective A Lexus is a luxury car.
manual Adjective He doesn’t know how to drive a car with manual transmission.
noisy Adjective I don't like living here. It is too noisy.
occasionally Adverb Jessica occasionally drives an automatic, but she usually drives a manual.
often Adverb How often do you drive to school? Every day?
once Adverb I clean my car once a week.
outside Preposition Stop playing video games. Go outside and play!
passenger Noun How many passengers are in the car?
performance Noun His new car has better performance than his last car.
practical Adjective Sports cars are fun, but they’re not very practical.
problem Noun Are you okay? What is the problem?
quiet Adjective It’s quiet inside the cabin of my new car.
rarely Adverb It rarely snows in my city.
relax Verb I'm really busy during the week, but I can relax on the weekend.
reliable Adjective His truck is old, but it’s always reliable.
routine Noun When I stopped working, my routine changed a lot.
safety Noun Safety is a very important feature in a vehicle.
scooter Noun He often rides a scooter around town.
seldom Adverb I am so busy. I seldom have time to see my friends.
spend Verb I spend time every day studying English.
sports Adjective She drives a sports coupe.
stylish Adjective His Corvette is a truly stylish car.
system Noun She is buying a new stereo system for her car.
take Verb It takes 20 minutes to get to school by bus.
transmission Noun Do you prefer manual or automatic transmission?
truck Noun The construction worker drives his truck to work every day.
twice Adverb I usually take a shower twice a day in the summer.
value Noun The car is too expensive. It’s not a very good value.
weekend Noun Have a great weekend!


Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Audio #1


Audio #2


Audio #3


Audio #4


Audio #5


Audio #6


Audio #7


Audio #8




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