Vocabulary Slideshow

Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
across Preposition I drove across the border.
back Noun Let’s sit in the back of the bus.
barely Adverb I barely got to class on time.

[of buildings]

Noun The mall is four blocks from here.
bottom Noun The power button is at the bottom of the TV.
building Noun There are many office buildings in this part of town.
center Noun, Verb This car’s mid-engine is mounted in the center of the vehicle.
clock Noun Let's put the clock on the wall in the kitchen.
collision Noun I saw a collision when two cars crashed at the corner.
corner Noun The store is on the corner of Oxford Avenue and Robson Street.
crack Noun, Verb There is a crack in my car’s windshield..
crowded Adjective The bus was very crowded this morning, so I couldn't sit down.
damage Noun, Verb The collision last weekend damaged my front bumper.
directions Noun Could you give me directions about how to get to Golden Gate Park from here?
entertainment Noun This part of town doesn't have much for entertainment. It's pretty boring.
estimate Noun, Verb The mechanic estimated the repairs to be close to $500.
finish Noun, Verb She won’t be finished with homework until 8:00 PM.
floor Noun You've dropped your phone on the floor!
fridge Noun There's a lot of food in the fridge if you're hungry.
front Noun The front of the building is much nicer than the back.
grocery store Noun After work, I'm going to the grocery store to pick up some food to make for dinner.
ground Noun When I went camping, I had to sleep on the ground. It was terrible.
heat/heater Noun My sister turned on the heater because she was cold.
install Verb My mechanic installed a new brake light in my truck.
intersection Noun There are many traffic accidents at this intersection. It is pretty dangerous.
lost Adjective Excuse me. I'm lost. Could you help me find my hotel?
lug/lug nut Noun I installed the lug nuts on my wheel after changing the tire.
middle Noun I fell asleep in the middle of the movie. What happened in the story?


Noun, Verb I moved to this city five years ago.

[US: neighborhood]

Noun I know many of the people that live in my neighbourhood.
park Noun, Verb I parked my car in the lot behind the garage.


Noun We went to Brenda's place last night for dinner.
recommend Verb Can you recommend a good place to have dinner?
repair Noun, Verb The mechanic estimated it would be expensive to repair the transmission.
road Noun Can you help me find the road to the grocery store?
side Noun The driver side of my car was damaged in the accident.
sign Noun There was a stop sign, but you didn't stop!
speed Noun, Verb Please don’t speed! You have to drive slow because we are near a school.

[Times Square]

Noun Can we meet in the square at around 3 o'clock this afternoon?
straight Adjective, Adverb Go straight for about three blocks and then turn left.
tank Noun Do we have enough fuel in the tank to drive to Sacramento?
thin Adjective Your wallet is very thin because it doesn't have any money in it.
top Noun It must be very expensive to live at the top of an apartment building downtown.
tourist Noun Are you from here, or are you a tourist like me?

[tow truck]

Noun, Verb My SUV won’t start. I need to call a tow truck.
towel Noun Do you have a towel for me to dry my hands with?
traffic light Noun There isn't a traffic light at the intersection. There's only a stop sign.


Noun The view from here is beautiful. You can see the ocean and mountains.
visit Noun, Verb This is my first visit to this city.
whole Adjective It has been windy the whole day.


Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Audio #1


Audio #2


Audio #3


Audio #4


Audio #5


Audio #6


Audio #7


Audio #8




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