Thematic focus
- Becoming familiar with fictional children’s stories, and the basic elements of a story.
- Acquiring more story vocabulary to use in real life.
Social Outcomes
- Develop a positive attitude towards yourself as an English Language Learner.
- Begin to speak in more detailed sentences.
- Develop interpersonal skills such as listening to others with interest, and expressing oneself with pride in front of a group.
- Listening to a story for entertainment and to learn new words.
- Practice appropriate game behaviour, such as taking turns, being patient, allowing others to win.
- Practice listening to each other, learn about what’s important to others.
- Use an increased bank of adjectives to describe story details, and the world around you.
- Practice being polite in English.
- Enjoy the process of learning and engage in classes in a fun and energetic way.
Linguistic Focus
- Learn to identify, understand and use simple practical language to express oneself, and learn to be polite.
- Begin to acquire the most basic reading and writing skills at the level of individual letters and sounds, through letter formation and identification.
- Begin to acquire a bank of vocabulary and phrases to use in daily life through speaking, acting, and singing.
- Increase bank of phrases such as comparatives and opposites.
Linguistic Outcomes
- Identify and practice simple phrases:
Lesson 1
Oppositesbig/small, dark/light, interesting/boring, beginning/end, old/new, old/young etc.
You are/it is/I am/he is/ it is _____.
Lesson 2
3 Little Pigs3 little pigs language: Let me in! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
The pig built a house of straw/sticks/bricks.
He was/she was/it was/there was ______.
door/roof/chimney/living room/bedroom/ kitchen
Lesson 3
The Hare and the TortoiseI liked it when ______ () _______ (past tense)
Fast and slow, faster and slower
win/won and lose/lost the race
is/was, like/liked, run/ran, stop/stopped
Lesson 4
Goldilocks and the 3 BearsIt is under/over/before/after/in/out
Huge small tiny
Too big/hot/cold/soft/hard
Just right
- Familiarization with opposites words.
- Familiarization with parts of a house.
- Familiarization with basic present and past tense verbs.
- Identify and print Tt, Uu, Vv.