Here are lists of the Vocabulary for this reading. Review the vocabulary quickly, so that you have a basic understanding of each word, but do not use your dictionary. After you have read the article about international football, you will return to this vocabulary to study it some more. If you have any questions as you review the vocabulary, ask for help.


Paragraph 1

  1. regularly (n) - routinely; happening at the same or usual time
  2. to be held (v) - to cause to occur or be presented
  3. boasts (verb-3d P) - to be known for sth
  4. spectator (n) - the person who watches a game or show but does not participate

Paragraph 2

  1. locally (adv) - nearby
  2. widespread (adj) - common throughout an area or a population
  3. to be formed (v) - to cause to be made or created
  4. universal (adj) - accepted and known by all people
  5. code (n) - a set of rules or principles
  6. minimize (v) - to make as small as possible
  7. dispute (n) - argument

Paragraph 3

  1. significantly (adv) - greatly or importantly
  2. variety (n) - different kinds
  3. evidence (n) - facts that show the truth about sth
  4. silk (n) - a fabric made from the threads of the silkworm
  5. medieval (adj) - the time from about 1000 AD to 1450 AD, also known as The Middle Ages
  6. unlimited (adj) - without limit

Paragraph 4

  1. 17th century (n) - the 100 years from 1600 to 1699 AD
  2. evolve (v) - to change into sth different
  3. encourage (v) - to support sm in sth
  4. competitiveness (n) - being competitive, or wanting to try very hard to win
  5. position (n) - the physical location and responsibilities of a player in a game
  6. referee (n) - a person who watches a game to be certain that the players follow all rules
  7. coach (n) - a person who instructs players in their practices and games

Paragraph 5

  1. gain (v) - to increase or grow
  2. crisscross (v) - to move in many directions, so that the directions intersect
  3. league (n) - an association, or formal group, with many member groups within it
  4. expat (n) - a person living abroad, out of her/his country; short form for expatriot
  5. amateur (adj) - not professional, but done only for the love of sth, not paid
  6. internationally (adv) - between nations
  7. govern (v) - to lead, like a government

Paragraph 6

  1. affect (v) - to influence
  2. passion (n) - an extremely strong feeling

Take a look at these two diagrams of football fields and the vocabulary that they show.

  • Where do you think it is easiest to make a shot from?
  • What position do you usually play?
soccer field 1

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soccer field 2

Click here to make the photo bigger.

Click here for some more great football vocabulary.
