Word Part Of Speech Example
Abduct Verb I have been abducted by aliens six times.
Account Noun The man’s account of what happened was really strange.
Aircraft Noun I’m not sure what kind of airplane I saw in the sky.  The aircraft was really big though.
Analysis Noun The evidence of UFOs and aliens has gone through much analysis.   
Astronaut Noun When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut.
Astronomer Noun An astronomer studies the stars and planets.
Bark Verb Every night, my neighbours dog won’t stop barking.  
Beast Noun Another word for monster is beast.
Being Noun I’m not sure if I saw a person or alien.  The being was the same height as humans though.
Blow up Verb The fire caused the gas oven to blow up.
Capture Verb Some people believe the US government has captured alien spacecraft.
Civilization Noun Is it possible that civilizations exist outside our world?
Coincidence Noun When we were watching the stars last night, we saw a UFO.  It was a coincidence that we were looking at the sky.  
Conspiracy Noun A large number of people love to discuss conspiracies on the Internet.
Creature Noun I’m not sure if it was an animal or bigfoot.  The creature was definitely big and hairy.
Credible Adjective The eyewitness’ story was not very credible.  You shouldn’t believe it.
Creepy Adjective This house feels really strange and creepy.  I’m scared.
Depict Verb The painting depicts a mother and her baby.  
Exaggerate Verb Many stories have been exaggerated.  It is difficult to know what is true and what is not.
Fearsome Adjective The animal is quite fearsome.  I am quite scared of it.
Flying saucer Noun Many people call UFOs “flying saucers.”
Footage Noun It is difficult to get good video footage of ghosts.
Galaxy Noun Our galaxy is called the “Milky Way.”
Grave Noun I visited my grandfather’s grave last week.
Haunt Verb The house is haunted by ghosts.
Hoax Noun Most UFO photos and videos are simply hoaxes.
Inspire Verb I was inspired by my teacher to become an astronomer.
Manipulate Verb People have manipulated the photos.  What you see is not actually real.
Myth Noun Many people believe in the myth of Bigfoot.  It is a myth and not a fact.
Origin Noun The origin of the rumor is unknown.
Paranormal Adjective Many people are interested in paranormal activity.  This is the same as ghosts.
Presence Noun I can feel the presence of ghosts in this room.
Psychic Adjective Some people have psychic powers and have amazing abilities with their minds.  
Questionable Adjective I’m not sure I can call the evidence credible.  It is quite questionable.  
Reality Noun He is always living in his imagination.  He never considers reality.
Remarkable Adjective The amazing footage of the monster we saw on the news was really remarkable.  
Resolve Verb The problem hasn’t been resolved yet.  
Reveal Verb The government hasn’t revealed any information about the existence of aliens.
Shadow Noun I’m sure I just saw a shadow move across the room!
Sighting Noun There have been many UFO sightings in that city.
Spirit Noun Some people believe ghosts are spirits of dead people.
Spot Verb Many people spotted bright lights in the sky.  
Supernatural Adjective The supernatural is another way to say, “paranormal.”
Swamp Noun A swamp is a wet area of soft land.  
Terrify Verb Spiders terrify her.  
Thoroughly Adverb I have thoroughly cleaned my kitchen.  Absolutely nothing is dirty!


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