First Conditional

Sentences in the First Conditional express fact. We use the First Conditional to express a possible condition and its expected result in the future.

First Conditional = If + Present Simple, Will + Base Verb

  • If you buy a used car, you will save money.
  • I'll give you a call tonight if I'm not too busy.
  • If we see one, we'll get it for you.

Second Conditional

Second Conditional sentences do not generally express fact or reality. Instead, they express the opposite of reality in the present and future. Second Conditional sentences express a hypothetical situation. The hypothetical situation is expressed by backshifting the if clause to the past.

Second Conditional = If + Past Simple, Would / Could + Base Verb

  • If I didn't have bad eyes, I would become a pilot.
  • What would you do if you were me?

Differences Between First and Second Conditional Sentences

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