This Guy Drums In Different Locations To Produce Different Sounds
AdultsCreativityMusicWorldListen and look how natural reverb affects the sound. This is how a drum sounds based on where it's played.
100 Places of Dance
AdultsCreativityMusicWorldI did the same dance routine in 100 different locations
The Truth About Toilet Swirl
AdultsPhysicsWorldWe each repeated the experiment 3 times, and got the same results every time. For those of you who might be skeptical, great! A right circular prismatic kiddie pool is only $10 and you can do the experiment for yourself at your latitude. There's really no reason you shouldn't do it for yourself.
Vertical Skydiving World Record 2012
AdultsCreativitySportsWorld...Watch 138 people shatter the Vertical Skydiving World Record as they form a snowflake formation at speeds up to 220 mph!
Volcano Eruption
AdultsNatureWorldNatural Disasters...Additional information: Calbuco volcano has 2003 meters height (6572ft). The impressive ashes column you see in the video had a calculated height of 15km (9.3mil), from which you clearly see about 10km (6.2mil) before to get lost inside the atmosphere static zone where the ashes created a huge and dense cloud that now is traveling around the world.
How tsunamis work - Alex Gendler
AdultsNatureWorldScience...The immense swell of a tsunami can grow up to 100 feet, hitting speeds over 500 mph -- a treacherous combination for anyone or anything in its path. Alex Gendler details the causes of these towering terrors and explains how scientists are seeking to reduce their destruction in the future.
What's invisible? More than you think
AdultsScienceWorldPsychology...Gravity. The stars in day. Thoughts. The human genome. Time. Atoms. So much of what really matters in the world is impossible to see. A stunning animation of John Lloyd's classic TEDTalk from 2009, which will make you question what you actually know.
Myths and misconceptions about evolution
AdultsEnvironmentHistoryWorld...How does evolution really work? Actually, not how some of our common evolutionary metaphors would have us believe. For instance, it's species, not individual organisms, that adapt to produce evolution, and genes don't "want" to be passed on -- a gene can't want anything at all! Alex Gendler sets the record straight on the finer points of evolution.
The Most Radioactive Places on Earth
AdultsGlobal WarmingLifeWorld...I'm filming a documentary for TV about how Uranium and radioactivity have shaped the modern world. It will be broadcast in mid-2015, details to come. The filming took me to the most radioactive places on Earth (and some places, which surprisingly aren't as radioactive as you'd think). Chernobyl and Fukushima were incredible to see as they present post-apocalyptic landscapes. I also visited nuclear power plants, research reactors, Marie Curie's institute, Einstein's apartment, nuclear medicine areas of hospitals, uranium mines, nuclear bomb sites, and interviewed numerous experts.
Haunting Drone Footage Captures Views Of "The Abandoned City Chernobyl" That Is Left To Decay
AdultsFilmGlobal WarmingEnvironment...Chernobyl is one of the most interesting and dangerous places I've been. The nuclear disaster, which happened in 1986; the year after I was born, had an effect on so many people, including my family when we lived in Italy. The nuclear dust clouds swept westward towards us. The Italian police went round and threw away all the local produce and my mother rushed out to purchase as much tinned milk as possible to feed me, her infant son.