
Trash Collecting Boats are Cleaning up India's Rivers.

Adults Ecology Nature World
The boats scoop up floating waste and bring it to shore to be collected.

The Nuclear Waste Problem

Adults Global Warming Science Technology
Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest, most efficient, and most available sources of power on earth.

What is the tragedy of the commons? - Nicholas Amendolare

Adults Ecology Global Warming Society
Is it possible that overfishing, super germs, and global warming are all caused by the same thing? In 1968, a man named Garrett Hardin sat down to write an essay about overpopulation. Within it, he discovered a pattern of human behavior that explains some of history's biggest problems. Nicholas Amendolare describes the tragedy of the commons.

Google Pixel Buds review

Adults Creativity Design Technology
Google's Pixel Buds get a few of the basics right when it comes to wireless earbuds. Language translation via the Google Translate app is helpful in a pinch, and the Google Assistant experience is genuinely fast and fun. But these $159 earbuds are fussy, from the way that they fit in your ears to the way that they fit in the case. And not everyone will love the open design, which lets lots of outside noise in. The Pixel Buds are Google's first attempt at making wireless earbuds, and it shows.

Star Wars: Jedi Challenges puts you into an AR lightsaber duel

Adults Gaming Technology
Star Wars: Jedi Challenges is a recently released augmented reality toy created by Disney and Lenovo, where you can use your phone to fight lightsaber duels and play Holochess.

How Bill Gates reads books

Adults Art Books
Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year, which breaks down to about one a week. He told us the four things he does to get the most out of his reading.

Elon Musk's Basic Economics

Adults Economy Technology
Imagine a $2,000 car... or a $100 laptop... or a $70 iPhone... or imagine any product, ten times cheaper than it was.

Why should you read "Macbeth"? - Brendan Pelsue

Adults Art Books
There's a play so powerful that an old superstition says its name should never be uttered in a theater.

How Drug Companies Make You Buy More Medicine Than You Need

Adults Business Health
They make eye drops too big -- and make you pay for the waste. This is our first installment in our collaboration with ProPublica.

Should You Eat Every Day?

Adults Food Health Philosophy
An intermittent fasting diet is one of the hippest new nutrition and fitness philosophies, based around the idea that going hungry can be good for your health.

Which Way Is Down?

Adults Physics Science Space
Vsauce host Michael Stevens digs deep into the ever-changing concept of the direction "down," what causes things to fall, and digs into how masses really, really want to pull towards each other in our universe, thanks to gravitational forces.

Why Is Your Grandma So Short?

Adults Family Food History
Nutrition during the first few years of life has a huge impact on adult height, and since nutrition has been getting better over time, humanity - including your family - is getting taller.

Why Are You Anxious?

Adults Biology Human
When you're feeling or stressed, your body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol...

What Would Happen If You Never Brushed Your Teeth?

Adults Health Wellness
Besides bad breath, there are some SERIOUS consequences if you don't brush your teeth!

How many verb tenses are there in English?

Adults Culture Language
How many different verb tenses are there in a language like English? At first, the answer seems obvious - there's past, present, and future.

How to Cure Aging - During Your Lifetime?

Adults Health Human Science
What if we could stop aging forever?

All Hollywood VFX Removed! What Movies Really Look Like

Adults Film Technology Visual Design
It used to be that what you saw on a movie set would pretty much be what you saw in the final movie. If you wanted to have a mountain in the background, you'd have to go to one.

Kids Decorate Pumpkins

Adults Art Culture
Happy October! Kids decorate and (sort of) carve pumpkins!

Mexico Earthquake Hit My School

Adults Ecology Nature World
Marie was a victim of the Central Mexico (Puebla) Earthquake on September 19th 2017. While so many lost their lives, were injured, or lost their homes and property, Marie was lucky - her house didn't crumble, just a few cracks here and there, and her loved ones and family were all okay, and obviously, she didn't die. But it was one of the scariest moments in her life and one she will never forget. This is a scary story, a scary TRUE story.

Coconut Cream Pie with Four Kinds of Coconut | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit

Adults Creativity Food
Need something really celebrate that coco-flake lover in your life? This coconut cream pie recipe is going to keep around for a while!

This is not a beautiful hiking video | A Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike

Adults Film Sports World
2016 I took a plane from Vienna, Austria to California to hike the Pacific Crest Trail - a 2650 miles footpath from Mexico to Canada. This is my 5-month journey - with all ups and downs.