
If We Aren't Too Late

Adults Politics
This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates. To learn more about his work on clean energy, visit

Why Being the President Actually Sucks

Adults Politics
You think you have a busy day, a tough life, try running the entire country.

The Mad Monk Who Controlled a Royal Family

Adults Politics
There have been many attempts to take the life of the spiritual advisor of the Russian Royal Family, but what made Rasputin the prophet so "Unkillable" as if the gods were on his side?

How To Survive World War 3

Adults Politics
It has finally happened, World War III has arrived and the entire globe has taken sides, with conflicts and battles happening in every major city...

Releasing All 2 MILLION US Prisoners - What Happens?

Adults Politics
ig bad criminals don't seem so scary behind bars, but what if those bars opened up, and all the criminals were released back into the street?

The ballet that incited a riot

Adults Politics
Dive into the history and controversy of Igor Stravinsky’s ballet, “The Rite of Spring,” which shattered the conventions of classical ballet.

Man Lives 19 Years In Airport - Why? (True Story)

Adults Politics
Denis Luiz de Souza has been living in a Brazilian International Airport for 19 years and shows no signs of leaving.

Why should you read “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding? - Jill Dash

Adults Politics
TED-Ed 10.2M subscribers Explore William Golding’s timeless satire, “Lord of the Flies,” which follows a group of shipwrecked boys as they descend into anarchy.

How 1 In A Billion Chance Brought Down A Whole Airplane

Adults Politics
The crazy tragic story of Flight 232 was all over the news 1989, about an airplane with engine failure that had to attempt a crash landing.

Are the illuminati real?

Adults Politics
The year was 1776. In Bavaria, new ideals of rationalism, religious freedom and universal human rights competed with the Catholic church’s heavy influence over public affairs.

What if We Nuke a City?

Adults Politics
Learn more about nuclear weapons and what you can do to stop them

What causes an economic recession?

Adults Politics
How can factors like inflation, supply and demand, and interest rates trigger recessions? Learn the economic basics of modern markets.

Crossing US border

Adults Politics
Some people have risked their lives trying to cross the American-Mexican border, but what are some of the craziest ways people have attempted to get past border patrol?

Could The US Citizens Fight Off The US Military?

Adults Politics
Today we are revolting against the government, and the military has come to shut us down.

From pacifist to spy: WWII’s surprising secret agent - Shrabani Basu

Adults Politics
Learn about the life of World War II spy Noor Inayat Khan and how she worked with the French Resistance to build the network that defeated the Nazis.

Is the EU Democratic? Does Your Vote Matter?

Adults Politics
Being a citizen of the European Union means that many aspects of our lives are regulated by a weird entity. It feels like a huge bureaucracy is making decisions over our heads. How democratic is the EU really and does your vote actually affect anything?

Why Your Newsfeed SUCKS

Adults Politics
Seriously, if you can't tell if something on the internet is fact or fiction, tag @MediaWise

The Future of War, and How It Affects YOU (Torpedo/Missiles vs Ship)

Adults Politics
It's a strange feeling to share this aspect of my life. I'm taking a break to go back to school, but here's a peek into the part of my life I've kept hidden from the internet for many years.

The historic women’s suffrage march on Washington

Adults Politics
Explore how the Women’s Suffrage Parade on Washington in 1913 helped women secure the right to vote in the United States through the 19th amendment.

How one journalist risked her life to hold murderers accountable

Adults Politics
Ida B. Wells was an investigative journalist, civil rights leader, and anti-lynching advocate who fought for equality and justice.

Liberals vs Conservatives

Adults Politics
Are Republicans and Democrats different because of biology?