
The Speed of Life Veritasium

Adults Society
Why does time appear to speed up as we get older? Can we slow it down?

What's Your Biggest Regret?

Adults Society
A chalkboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passersby to write down their biggest regrets. As the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common.

Why are some people left-handed?

Adults Society
Today, about one-tenth of the world's population are southpaws. Why are such a small proportion of people left-handed -- and why does the trait exist in the first place? Daniel M. Abrams investigates how the uneven ratio of lefties and righties gives insight into a balance between competitive and cooperative pressures on human evolution.

People react to being called beautiful

Adults Society
I conducted an independent project, which evidently turned into a social experiment halfway through, regarding beauty at my performing arts high school in Chicago. I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result. Here it is.

Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence

Adults Society
How did the young, wealthy women of Ancient Rome spend their days? Meet Domitia and her sister Domitia and her sister Domitia and her sister Domitia. Ray Laurence sketches the domestic life of leisure that these young girls lived, despite little recorded information on women from this otherwise well-documented era.

Blind Trust Project

Adults Society
In response to recent hate crime and bullying against Muslims due to islamophobia, we walked the streets of downtown Toronto to see the reactions of Canadians on how Muslims are made to feel because of false media.

A portrait session with a twist

Adults Society
A photograph is shaped more by the person behind the camera than by what's in front of it.

Vampires: Folklore, fantasy and fact - Michael Molina

Adults Society
The myth of the bloodsucking vampire has stalked humans from ancient Mesopotamia to 18th-century Eastern Europe, but it has differed in the terrifying details. So, how did we arrive at the popular image we know, love and fear today? And what truly makes a vampire...a vampire? Michael Molina digs up the science and the superstition.

Effective Communication

Adults Society
Learning how to better communicate and interact with others can really help to improve your life -- from ensuring you enjoy parties more to turning you into a roaring success magnet. Bestselling author of How to Succeed with People Paul McGee takes us through a host of different situations and explains how to deal with other people and get the best out of them.

Would You Rather Be Rich Or Happy?

Adults Society
Kids say the darndest things - but sometimes they offer some serious insight. We played "Would You Rather" with kids ages 3 to 11 to see if they had anything to teach us adults. Visit for more.

The Science of Six Degrees of Separation

Adults Society
Are all people on Earth really connected through just six steps?

How false news can spread

Adults Society
In previous decades, most news with global reach came from several major newspapers and networks with the resources to gather information directly. The speed with which information spreads now, however, has created the ideal conditions for something called circular reporting.

What If Money Was No Object?

Adults Society
A remastered version of "What if money was no object". After our original video, which reached almost 2,000,000 views was taken down due to copyright. Many emails were received to remake and re-upload this profound advice from the late Alan Watts. Thanks too everyone for the support!

Remove labels this Ramadan

Adults Society
A person's appearance is usually the first thing we observe about then, but how would people react if you meet someone without actually being able to see them? This is exactly what Coca-Cola set out to find out. 6 strangers were huddled together in a dark room and had interacted with zero visibility in total darkness.

A Simple Way of Life in The Coromandel

Adults Society
Discover one of New Zealand's most mysterious, rugged, and best kept secrets, The Coromandel. Home to some of the best surf, diving, coastline, and landscapes, the locals will show you how time slows down, and why they prefer the simple way of life.

Give What You Can, Take What You Need

Adults Society
Share the love in your city.

Misconceptions about Sharks

Adults Society
A weekly show where we debunk common misconceptions. This week, Elliott discusses some misconceptions about sharks!

Amazing Balloon Skewer Party Trick

Adults Society
How to thread a balloon onto a skewer. Fun magic trick perfect for parties. Impress adults and children with this simple trick. All you need is a balloon, a skewer and some washing up liquid.

Experiment Shows That All Of Us Are Naturally Altruistic

Adults Society
Put to work at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, Alan Alda finds out how children will help, and like it, while chimps are less inclined to offer enthusiastic assistance.

Maidan Square Uprising Students - Smrt Scholarship Program

Adults Society
15 students who participated in the Maidan Square uprising received scholarships to attend an 8 week English course at the Canadian College of English Language - summer 2014.

5 Weird Involuntary Behaviors Explained!

Adults Society
Our bodies do a lot of weird things, and many of them are completely involuntary. Why do we often jerk our bodies awake right before falling asleep? Why do we yawn, or hiccup? Why do some people sneeze when they look at the sun? And why does your eye twitch? This week we'll look at the science behind these crazy involuntary behaviors!