
How To Pick The Perfect Berries

Kids Nature
If you go out walking on country paths right now chances are it won't be long until you spot some blackberries.

Touring a unique terraced backyard farm | Farm Dreams

Adults Nature
Indy tours a unique terraced backyard farm, and picks farmer Eric’s brain on keeping plants cool.

Fig The Tortoise

Kids Nature
Fig the tortoise has a big day ahead of him.

Primitive Technology: Downdraft Kiln

Adults Nature
A Phoenix kiln is a type of downdraft kiln where the firebox is below the ware chamber.

The World's Longest Beak

Adults Nature
The sword-billed hummingbird has exclusive access to food that other birds simply cannot reach, but having such a long bill does have its drawbacks.

0:12 / 12:36 The Future of Botany: Crash Course Botany #15

Adults Nature
We’ve learned a lot about plants throughout this series, but there’s much more to discover. In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’ll peek into the future of botany.

What Is A Platypus?

Kids Nature
Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn about how amazing platypuses really are!

Why So Many Ladybugs Don't Look Like Ladybugs

Adults Nature
Ladybugs are red with black spots, right? Well, not always. There's a lot of genetic and evolutionary reasons that they can be different colors with wacky patterns.

Do mosquitos actually bite some people more than others?

Adults Nature
Explore the science of what attracts mosquitos, and find out why mosquitos bite some people more than others.

Honey hunting in the dead of night | Primal Survivor: Extreme African Survivor

Adults Nature
Hazen lowers a beehive from a tall tree and plunges his hand inside to get honey.

Nubz The Chicken

Kids Nature
Nubz is no ordinary chicken: He's a cool, shoe-wearing chicken!

How Tornadoes Work

Youth Nature
An animated explainer about tornadoes, how they form, different types and signs one is on the way.

Naming Quokkas

Youth Nature
Crikey! We're absolutely thrilled to introduce you to the newest additions to our Australia Zoo family – Habibi, Gooshee, and Hope!

Finding the Notoriously Shy Dormouse | 24 Hours With | BBC Earth

Youth Nature
Have you ever heard of a dormouse officer? Well, it's a job that involves the safeguarding this iconic endangered species. Join zoologist and wildlife presenter Yussef Rafik as he learns all about the local conservation efforts striving to protect its future.

Steve Irwin's Turtle - Protecting this unique species

Youth Nature
With the constant threats of habitat degradation, the time has come to ensure the protection of this important turtle species.

Diving Discovery (Ep. 1): Meet The Team

Youth Nature
Diving on the British Columbia coast in the winter isn’t just cold, it’s also dangerous. So if we’re going to get the footage we want and get everyone home safely, we need a team that knows what they’re doing.

Primitive Technology: Wood Ash Insulated Furnace

Adults Nature
I made a furnace insulated with wood ash to smelt iron in. Furnace insulation stops heat being lost from the walls of a furnace and so increases the heat within the furnace.

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Adults Nature
Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

Otter stealing surfboards and hearts but concerning officials

Youth Nature
An internet sensation dubbed Otter 841 has been growing her fan club while officials try to catch her, with no luck so far. She has been seen aggressively approaching surfers and kayakers alike, often hopping on the boards and even biting off a chunk.

Importance of Oceans for Kids | Learn why Earth's oceans are so significant

Youth Nature
We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning about the world's beautiful ocean! If you want to learn even more, head over to our website and download one of our many lesson plans about the ocean, full of activities, worksheets, and more!

Best EVIL PEA Plots

Kids Nature
These are seven best evil Pea plots chosen by Pea herself.