
What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

Adults Psychology
Children who develop remarkable skills at an early age are often knowns at prodigies, but what happens to these kids once they grow up?

Being A Jerk May Not Be Your Fault

Adults Psychology
Laughter may be contagious, but did you know rudeness is too? Is there a way to stop bad attitudes from spreading?

Why The Popular Kids Don't Stay Cool

Adults Psychology
Some people in high school engage in risky behavior, such as drinking and smoking, in an attempt to be cool. Does this pay off long term? Join Tara as she reports on new research showing that being popular in high school might be bad in your adulthood!

The Problem with Over-Friendly People

Adults Psychology
Friendliness is a great virtue. Over-friendliness can be an unexpected problem.

Is it time to retire the police sketch?

Adults Psychology
We see police sketches in the news all the time, but do they actually work?

Why do people get so anxious about math? - Orly Rubinsten

Adults Psychology
Have you ever sat down to take a math test and immediately felt your heart beat faster and your palms start to sweat? This is called math anxiety, and if it happens to you, you're not alone: Researchers think about 20 percent of the population suffers from it. So what's going on? And can it be fixed? Orly Rubinsten explores the current research and suggests ways to increase math performance.

Why do we feel nostalgia?

Adults Psychology
Nostalgia was once considered an illness confined to specific groups of people. Today, people all over the world report experiencing and enjoying nostalgia. But how does nostalgia work? And is it healthy? Clay Routledge details the way our understanding of nostalgia has changed since the term was first coined in the late 17th century.

Should You Trust Your Gut Instinct?

Adults Psychology
Can you trust your gut feelings?

Introverts vs Extroverts

Adults Psychology
Written by Amanda Edward, Rachel Salt, Gregory Brown and Mitchell Moffit

Why Are Teens So Moody?

Adults Psychology
A look inside the teenage brain!

Kids On: Escaping The Friend Zone

Adults Psychology
In this episode of Kids On, the kids give advice on how to avoid/escape the dreaded friend zone.

The Illusion of Truth

Adults Psychology
If you repeat something enough times, it comes to feel good and true.

You live in the past!

Adults Psychology
Is it possible to live in the now?

How Do Lie Detectors Work?

Adults Psychology
Can you tell whether or not someone is lying? Greg Foot explains whether or not lie detectors actually work.

What If You Hear Voices In Your Head?

Adults Psychology
Why do some people hear voices?

How Is Your Phone Changing You?

Adults Psychology
Should you be worried about your cellphone?

Is life a video game? | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016

Adults Psychology
Is our life a simulation? Elon Musk has thought about this a lot.

The Science of Awkwardness

Adults Psychology

The psychology behind irrational decisions

Adults Psychology
Often people make decisions that are not "rational" from a purely economical point of view - meaning that they don't necessarily lead to the best result. Why is that?

Can You Hear Colors?

Adults Psychology
Have you ever heard of synesthesia?

Should you trust unanimous decisions?

Adults Psychology
Imagine a police lineup where ten witnesses are asked to identify a bank robber they glimpsed fleeing the scene. If six of them pick the same person, there's a good chance that's the culprit.