
The Paralysed Beauty Blogger Inspiring Others With Her Beauty Tips | Living Differently

AdultsDisabilityInternet CultureSocial Media
Tess Daly is completely paralyzed but she has gained tens of thousands of followers online because of the amazing make up she can apply with the limited movement in her hand.

Gaming Through New Eyes - Award Winning Short Documentary

This is a short documentary about Toby Ott, a man who was born with Bilateral Anopthalmia, or in other words, without eyes. This didn't stop him from discovering the medium of video games, and his childhood interest grew into a lifelong passion. This is a whole new perspective on video games, from the imagination of someone who has never known what it is to have sight.

A Huge Advancement in Mind-Controlled Tech

AdultsDisabilitySoftware EngineeringTechnology...
This tech helps paralyzed people type with their minds, but the sky's the limit.

These glasses help colorblind people see colors.

"I'm now swimming in a sea of color": This colorblind designer is seeing a whole new world around him thanks to these innovative glasses.

Mark Lesek: A New and Old Prosthetic

Mark lost his arm several years ago. Now his search for a better prosthetic could improve the lives of amputees everywhere.

Researchers Use Google Glass for Autistic Kids

AdultsDisabilityTechnologyMental Health...
Stanford researchers are using Google Glass to help autistic children analyze faces in real time to interpret facial expressions. Google stopped producing the headset last year but the device has found new life among medical researchers.

Do Blind People Understand Vision? TommyEdisonXP

Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, talks about his understanding of vision, what impresses him about sight, and one fear that's motivated by blindness.

Paralympic Athletes

Sometimes, all you need to change your opinion is a closer look.

Hands free wheelchair prototype 'Ogo'

The first time New Zealand inventor Kevin Halsall stepped on a Segway, he saw the potential of using the technology to build a wheelchair that could be controlled without a joystick or requiring the rider to use their hands at all. So he bought one, stripped it down, and turned it into the Ogo.

Hearing Hands

People Learn How To "Speak" In Sign Language To Surprise Their Hearing Impaired Neighbour.

An Affordable 3D-Printed Arm

Students at UCF are designing an inexpensive 3D printed arm for kids.

Blind Devotion

Jubilee Project is excited to share "Blind Devotion", the second in a series of two short films about unconditional love, in partnership with Pastor Francis Chan and his latest book "You and Me Forever".

This "Be My Eyes" App Lets People With Sight Guide Blind People Over Video Chat

Be the eyes for a blind person in need of help remotely through a live video connection if you are sighted or be assisted by the network of sighted users if you are blind. Be My Eyes is all about contributing to and benefiting from small acts of kindness, so hop on board and get involved!

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn't always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum -- one that doesn't necessarily fit with labels like "normal" and "defective." Kelli Sandman-Hurley urges us to think again about dyslexic brain function and to celebrate the neurodiversity of the human brain.

This double amputee can control two robotic arms with his mind

A Colorado man made history at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) this summer when he became the first bilateral shoulder-level amputee to wear and simultaneously control two of the Laboratory's Modular Prosthetic Limbs.

Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics

See how unique, custom 3D printed prosthetics allow Derby the dog to run for the first time.

Bionic Eye Allows A Blind Man To See After 33 Years.

Larry Hester, 66, has been blind for half his life from a condition called retinitis pigmentosa. In September, 2014, an electronic stimulator was surgically implanted in his left eye. On October 1st, 2014 Duke eye surgeon Dr. Paul Hahn turned it on for the first time. While the device does not restore vision in the normal sense, it provides light-and-darkness differentiation.

This 3-Year-Old Boy Is Very Excited For His New "Iron Man" Hand

3-year-old Bubba with a birth defect receives a 3D-printed prosthetic "Iron Man" hand. His happiness will make you feel bittersweet.

Soldier Adopts Dog That Saved His Life Because That's What Best Friends Do

While serving in Afghanistan, U.S. military combat dog Layka was shot four times by the enemy at point-blank range. Despite her injuries, she still attacked and subdued the shooter, saving her handler and the other members of the team. Seven hours of surgery and the amputation of one leg saved her life. Her handler, Staff Sgt. Julian McDonald, fought hard to adopt her and she's now become a part of his family.

Because who is perfect?

Disabled mannequins will be eliciting astonished looks from passers-by on Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse today. Between the perfect mannequins, there will be figures with scoliosis or brittle bone disease modelling the latest fashions. One will have shortened limbs; the other a malformed spine. The campaign has been devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled.

Henry Evans and Chad Jenkins: Meet the robots for humanity

Paralyzed by a stroke, Henry Evans uses a telepresence robot to take the stage -- and show how new robotics, tweaked and personalized by a group called Robots for Humanity, help him live his life.