DIY Vibrating Bug
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...We've used a basic motor and paper clips to bring our mini critter to life, proving that robotics can be fun and accessible for everyone!
Kylee Makes Rainbow Slime!
KidsCreativityExperimentsHow-to...Kylee creates a Rainbow Slime Waterfall, and then experiments to figure out how to get slime INSIDE a balloon!
Can Laughter Reduce Pain?
YouthExperimentsHealthScienceCan laughter actually reduce the pain you experience? Tune in and watch this incredible experiment to find out!
DIY Coin Battery
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...Little ones will be amazed to see an LED light up using simple items, and older kids can take part in setting up the experiment themselves!
Cool Tissue Wiggly Worm Experiment
KidsExperimentsMusicScienceBring a cherished nursery rhyme to life by introducing simple science to your little ones.
What Does It Feel Like To Have Autism?
YouthExperimentsPsychologySelf...You or someone you know may have autism. Dr Chris and Dr Xand of Operation Ouch find out what that feels like.
Melting Ice Experiment
KidsExperimentsGlobal WarmingScience...Today, we delve into a crucial aspect of climate change - the melting of ice caps and how they impact sea levels.
How I Built My Prosthetic Arm With LEGO Bricks
YouthExperimentsTechnologyDisability...The genius engineering student was born without a right forearm, but now makes his own prosthetics using the creative power of LEGO bricks.
Who Is The Fastest Creature In Mythology?
YouthExperimentsFunHistory...Witness the clash of mythology’s speediest supernaturals in an epic race and find out which creature is the fastest.
Baking Soda And Vinegar Boat
KidsExperimentsHow-toDIYLearn how to make a boat powered by baking soda and vinegar.
Science All Around Us
YouthExperimentsFactsScience...Learn all about how science can help solve the problems around us.
Primitive Technology: Roasted Ore and Shell Flux Smelt
AdultsCreativityLifeNature...I tested 2 ways of improving iron smelts by treating the ore, roasting the ore and using snail shells as a flux. Then finally I recycled old slag to see if it would produce any more iron.
Potato Battery
KidsExperimentsHow-toScienceUnleash your inner scientist with this fun and educational potato battery experiment.
Carbon Dioxide Experiment
KidsExperimentsFactsScience...In this incredible science experiment, we demonstrate the power of carbon dioxide by pouring it from a glass over a burning candle.
Growing Plants Without Soil
KidsEducationExperimentsScience...Today, Squeaks and Mister Brown will learn what plants actually need to grow.
Vacuum Experiment
KidsExperimentsHow-toScienceFollow the instructions to create a vacuum using a tray, a candle, and a glass cup.
It's Basically Impossible To Overcook Mushrooms
YouthExperimentsFactsFood...There's a weird reason that mushrooms really can't get overcooked, no matter how hard you try.
How To Make Rainbow Soap Foam
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...This sensory activity lets children discover a new bubbly texture.
Why Don't Oil And Water Mix?
YouthExperimentsHow-toScience...Join recipe tester Adelina as she uncovers the scientific secret to making water and oil mix.
Rubber Band Boat
KidsCreativityExperimentsHow-to...Are you ready to make your own rubber band boats? This STEM craft is fun and engaging for children from start to finish.
Mouldy Bread Experiments
KidsExperimentsScienceHealthThis science experiment may be kind of gross, but it is the perfect example of how much bacteria can grow just by touching everyday things.