
Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology Preview

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Which Diets Actually Work?

Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!

Symbiotic Fungi

David Attenborough encounters a parasitic fungi that lives off the plants it inhabits.

Bottlenose Dolphins - Amazing Animals

Dolphins are born tail-first!

The ingredient in almost everything you eat

Dig into the science of soy, and discover what makes soybeans such versatile plants and whether it’s healthy for you and the planet.

An Egg Is Just One Cell

One of Earth's biggest cells is one you're probably really familiar with.

These Seeds Can Walk!

The seeds of these wild oats each have two bristles called awns. Once the seeds fall to the ground their awns help them do something truly extraordinary…they walk!

Beetle - Amazing Animals

Beetles are the largest group of animals on Earth!

The Venus Fly Trap’s Deadly Speed | Natural Born Killers | BBC Earth

On wrong step and these insects are snapped up!

Is Soil Alive?

Soil doesn't seem like it's "alive", yet it functions like a living thing in lots of key ways.

Sir David Attenborough Gives a Lesson on Seeds | The Green Planet | BC Earth

Giant seeds, tiny seeds, floaty seeds and flying seeds. Sir David Attenborough gives us a quick biology lesson in all of them.

Why do cats have vertical pupils? - Emma Bryce

Dive into the incredible diversity of animal pupils, and how the different shapes indicate the animal’s role in an ecosystem.

Baby Puss Moth Caterpillar Hatching

Puss Moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinula) hatches from its egg.

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is one of the most popular things to do across the globe. Some people spend their entire weekends sitting at the bar, but consuming alcohol on a daily or weekly basis can have extremely negative effects on the body.

You Are Immune Against Every Disease

You are not a person, you are a planet, made of roughly 40 trillion cells. There is so much of you, that if your cells were human-sized, you would be as big as 20 Mount Everests.

The Snowflake Mystery

Dr Ken Libbrecht is the world expert on snowflakes, designer of custom snowflakes, snowflake consultant for the movie Frozen - his photos appear on postage stamps all over the world.

Are Our Tendons Stronger Than Steel?

Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand show us what tendons do in our bodies and just how super strong they are!

Why Do Honeybees Love Hexagons?

Honeybees are some of nature's finest mathematicians.

Catching Criminals Using Their Relative's DNA

Your genetic code is probably already in a database, without you ever giving a sample or permission.

You could have a secret twin (but not the way you think) - Kayla Mandel Sheets

While searching for a kidney donor, Karen Keegan stumbled upon a mystery. After undergoing genetic testing, it turned out that some of her cells had a completely different set of genes from the others.

Earth's mysterious red glow, explained - Zoe Pierrat

Explore the phenomenon and uses of chlorophyll fluorescence, a small amount of light emitted by plants during photosynthesis.