

Hank explains the extremely complex series of reactions whereby plants feed themselves on sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and also create some by products we're pretty fond of as well.

What is Mixotrophy?

Meet the mixotrophs.

Lungs Are Great, But They Have One Weakness...

Our respiratory systems do a great job of protecting us, but they are no match for the smallest pollution particles created by the modern world.

Paleontologist Answers Dinosaur Questions From Twitter

Paleontologist Dr. Hans Sues answers the internet's burning questions about dinosaurs. Why did T-Rex have such tiny arms?

Why can parrots talk? - Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright

Explore the specialized anatomy that allows parrots to talk, scream, curse, and recite facts like humans.

Biologist Answers More Biology Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Biologist Thor Hanson is back to answer even more of the internet's burning questions about biology.

How Sommeliers Can Taste Which Year Wine is From

How to Taste Wine Like a Sommelier

Discovering Dolphins

Dolphins are acrobats of the sea and are surprisingly similar to humans.

Do Other Diseases Have "Long" Versions?

This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates. COVID isn’t the only virus to cause long-lasting symptoms. Other viruses - including the flu - can have similar enduring effects on our tissues and immune systems.

The Super Secrets of Sewage

In 2020, many cities started monitoring wastewater for viruses, and there are a lot of non-virus reasons to keep doing it.

How does heart transplant surgery work? - Roni Shanoada

Dig into the science of how heart transplants happen, how donors are matched and find out how this complex surgery saves lives.

Cool Facts About Bats

Find out cool and creepy facts about bats—from how and where they live, to what they eat and how they talk to each other.

Planetary Plants

What could plant life look like on other planets?

How Do Insect Eyes Work?

Jessi and Squeaks learn all about how dragonflies see - did you know they have thousands of eyes?!

UV Plants Caught On Camera?

David Attenborough shows us the world through an insect's eyes, viewing plants and flowers in beautiful ultra-violet vision!

The Tree that Survives Without Rain| Earth’s Great Rivers II | BBC Earth

In the midst of dry season, while most trees loose their leaves, the apple ring acacias at the Zambezi River is full of life, providing shelter and food for the animals.

How Fireflies Inspired Energy-Efficient Lights

Electricity accounts for around 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. So how can we make it more efficient? Belgian physicist Jean-Pol Vigneron and his team found the answer could lie within a firefly's abdomen.

Photosynthesis & Transpiration

What do plants need? Students examine the effects of light and air on green plants, learning the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration.

Crabs Trade Shells In The Strangest Ways

As a hermit crab grows its shell becomes a tighter fit so eventually the crabs need to move into a bigger one, leading to an amazing exchange.

Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar

Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures.

Living And Nonliving Things

Living things are called organisms, and anything from a blue whale to a spot of mold can be a living organism!