
Overpopulation & Africa

For most of our history, the human population grew slowly. Until new discoveries brought us more food and made us live longer.

Highest Paying Jobs You Can Do From Your Bedroom

Could you believe you can get paid more for staying home than driving to a job everyday?

What causes an economic recession?

How can factors like inflation, supply and demand, and interest rates trigger recessions? Learn the economic basics of modern markets.

Why We Should Invest In Rat Massage

Basic research can seem wasteful, but it's actually a great economic investment.

This Country Has Something Everyone Else Wants

Thanks to the University of Minnesota for sponsoring this video! Morocco has 3/4 of the world’s known reserves of rock phosphate, our main source of phosphorus, so Morocco may be key to our long-term ability to grow food.

Why Pink Himalayan Salt Is So Expensive | So Expensive

Pink Himalayan salt is used in speciality foods, spa treatments, and even home design.

How Sustainable Plantations Help Save Uganda’s Decimated Forests

Sustainable forestry is helping the country electrify, cutting down on firewood use—and providing livelihoods.

How does the stock market work?

In the 1600s, the Dutch East India Company employed hundreds of ships to trade goods around the globe.

Climate Research Offers Coffee Farmers Hope For Their Crops

Guatemala's third largest export after raw sugar and bananas is coffee.

How to spot a pyramid scheme - Stacie Bosley

Learn the techniques and tricks that pyramid schemes use to recruit new members and how to avoid being fooled yourself.

What Can You Buy With 5.7 Billion Dollars?

What else could you buy with the budget of Donald Trump’s proposed border wall during this government shutdown?

How The Stock Exchange Works (For Dummies)

Everyday in the news we hear about the stock exchange, stocks and money moving around the globe.

How Much Is Your Body Worth?

We break down your value piece by piece!

Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy

Research suggests that more diverse ecosystems are better for the bottom line.

How Much Money Could We Sell The Earth For?

If aliens came to Earth and offered to buy it, how much should we sell it for?

We Asked Bill Gates: Do You Need To Be Rich To Be Healthy?

This video is in collaboration with Bill and Melinda Gates. You can check out the Gates Annual Letter here:

Why Cities Exist

More than 90% of the richest countries population lives in the cities. Here is why?

How Airlines Price Flights

Airline ticket pricing probably seems like a crapshoot. The numbers change seemingly arbitrarily every week, day, or hour, but there is some real science behind these prices.

Universal Basic Income Explained - Free Money for Everybody? UBI

AdultsPersonal FinanceSocietyWork...
What the state covered your cost of living, would you still go to work?

Elon Musk's Basic Economics

Imagine a $2,000 car... or a $100 laptop... or a $70 iPhone... or imagine any product, ten times cheaper than it was.

China's Geography Problem

China is the country both blessed and coursed in geography.