
Use Your Voice

Amanda Gorman shows Bert and Ernie we can use our voices to express our feelings and support one another, especially when we do it together.

Bedtime History: Maya Angelou

Learn about the famous author and poet who helped the Civil Rights Movement and changed the world with her inspiring words and life story.

What Are Plants Made Of? Crash Course Botany

When you eat a salad for lunch, you’re digging into a giant pile of plant organs. That’s right—plants are made up of organs, only theirs follow a totally different set of rules from our own.

Panda Mother Teaches Cub To Eat Bamboo

Panda babies aren’t actually born with the essential stomach enzyme needed to break down bamboo. So, how do they eat it?

A Lesson In Impermanence: Fungi

With calming narration and soothing nature visuals, we’ll learn about how fungi grows and how mushrooms play an important part in the life cycle of all living things.

Wait Your Turn Tooty Ta

Sing along and learn to Wait Your Turn with our Kiboomers song for kids.

Let's Plant A Garden

As the winter turns to spring, Squeaks and Mr. Brown begin planning the garden they’re going to grow this summer!

VR In The Classroom

A classroom of kids in Newfoundland investigates the pros and cons of virtual reality as the kids are using technology and it’s making news headlines.

Super Simple Disco

Learn some funky dance moves with Pancake, Quibbly, and Nelson.

A Little Spot Of Flexible Thinking

This books introduces a creative way for children to understand how to approach challenges and situations with flexibility and a growth mindset.

Biography Of King Tut

In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of Egypt's most famous leaders.

Carbon Dioxide Experiment

In this incredible science experiment, we demonstrate the power of carbon dioxide by pouring it from a glass over a burning candle.

Corn Shouldn't Be Food, But It Is

You probably have a bag of frozen corn in your freezer, or have chowed down on a buttery ear of corn at a cookout.

Rescued: Penguin Scared of Water

Natalia the penguin should be going back to the wild soon. The problem? She’s afraid of water.

The “afterlife” according to Einstein’s special relativity

Sabine Hossenfelder discusses the physics of… dead grandmothers?

Tooty Ta Mother's Day

Sing along and dance with Kiboomers to "Tooty Ta, It's Mother's Day" song for kids.

A Little Spot Of Teamwork

This book teaches children about the benefits of working together and respecting when others have a difference of opinion.

Biography of Henry VIII

In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of England's most famous monarchs.

Growing Plants Without Soil

Today, Squeaks and Mister Brown will learn what plants actually need to grow.

Kylee Makes A Fidget Cube

Kylee creates a super fun quick craft: a fidget cube!

Breath Surfing

Follow along with Teacher Stephanie's voice in this 4-minute mindfulness practice that centers on breath awareness.