We WILL Fix Climate Change!
AdultsFutureScienceWorld...Our home is burning. Rapid climate change is destabilizing our world. It seems our emissions will not fall quickly enough to avoid runaway warming and we may soon hit tipping points that will lead to the collapse of ecosystems and our civilization.
Miracle Plant That Took 200 Years To Grow
YouthNatureScienceEnvironmentDavid Attenborough delves into the story of an ancient "miracle plant" at Kew Gardens and explains how the workers at the gardens ensure no plant need ever go extinct.
Sea Women Of Melanesia
YouthWomenWorldEnvironment...The Sea Women of Melanesia train local women to monitor and assess the impacts of widespread coral bleaching on some of the world's most endangered reefs.
Why Water Dissolves (Almost) Everything
AdultsEducationEnvironmentScience...Water can dissolve more substances than anything else on earth...so why doesn't it dissolve everything away?
Climate-Resilient Buildings
YouthScienceEnvironmentArchitectureThis UNEP publication demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be constructed to increase their resilience to climate change.
Mineral Extraction: Crash Course Geography #44
AdultsConstructionHumanScience...Today we're going to take a look at mineral extraction -- or the removal of rocks and minerals from the Earths' crust -- and examine how this human activity impacts all aspects of Geography.
Recycling For Kids
KidsScienceEducationEnvironmentThis video is all about helping kids learn about recycling.
Is Soil Alive?
AdultsEnvironmentLifeNature...Soil doesn't seem like it's "alive", yet it functions like a living thing in lots of key ways.
Keeping An Eye On Ocean Garbage...From Space!
YouthScienceEnvironmentTechnologyESA is exploring how satellites can help detect and reduce plastic pollution in the ocean.
Why Is Biodiversity Important?
YouthScienceEnvironmentNatureDavid Attenborough explains why biodiversity is so important to humans.
Why do your jeans wear out so quickly?
AdultsConstructionDesignLife...Trace the life cycle of a pair of denim jeans, and discover the labor and environmental costs of this fashion staple.
Recycling Fashion
YouthHistoryTechnologyFashion...Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. But a small town in Italy called Prato has built its fortune on transforming old scraps into new clothes, particularly knitwear and wool.
Can YOU Fix Climate Change?
AdultsEnvironmentHumanLife...This video was supported by Gates Notes, the personal blog of Bill Gates, where he writes about global health, climate change, and more.
How do wind turbines work?
AdultsNatureScienceTechnology...Explore how wind turbines convert wind into electricity, and the challenges of powering the world entirely with wind energy.