
Year Of Camelids

Youth Animals
How do camelids support communities in a sustainable way? Watch the video to find out!

Protecting the Queendoms

Adults Animals
Female leaders will stop at nothing to protect their empires! Animal queens across the globe and under the sea must remain fierce to ensure the survival of themselves and their lineage.

Ocean Wonders: Slumber In The Sea

Youth Animals
Follow us down into the deep to discover how dozing in the ocean can be more bizarre than your wildest dreams.

King Penguin & Mobility Aids

Youth Animals
Researchers are looking at how the birds adapt to walking on different slippery surfaces to help them with their robotics work.

White Stripes...Or Black Stripes?

Youth Animals
Join zebra zookeepers Amanda and Sharnie as they share their favourite facts and fun moments with these two cheeky boys.

Lioness sisters fend off an intruding lion to protect their cubs | QUEENS

Adults Animals
Shani and her sisters must fend off the intruding male lion before he kills her cubs.

Musk Oxen Vs Arctic Wolves | Animal Super Parents | BBC Earth

Adults Animals
In the Arctic tundra, a herd of musk ox are up against a pack of hungry wolves. Will the parents successfully protect their calves from the predators?

The Village With a Bird Problem

Youth Animals
They say it's lucky to be pooped on by a bird, but people living in a village in Lincolnshire aren't feeling very lucky...

Meet Our Biggest Snake

Youth Animals
Alimah is an icon of Australia Zoo, with many returning guests ensuring to stop by his home...but it's not everyday we get to meet him so up close! In an exciting moment, the reptiles crew are measuring Alimah for the first time in years.

Ocean Wonders: A Symphony Of Smells

Youth Animals
Hold your breath—but not your nose—as we explore olfaction in the ocean.

Inside the Illegal Ape Trade | Trafficked: Underworlds with Mariana van Zeller

Adults Animals
Mariana van Zeller follows the ruthless and heartbreaking business of the illegal trade of wild apes. But amidst the darkness, she encounters a beacon of hope – Congolese activists fighting tirelessly to protect these apes from vanishing forever.

Why Are Butterflies So Colourful?

Youth Animals
We go to Chester Zoo to answer one of your Big Questions on butterflies!

Hyena Clan Attacks Baby Elephant | Savanna Queens | National Geographic

Adults Animals
The Elephant herd fights with the hyena clan before they can take baby Binti as a midnight snack.

The Science Behind The Colours Animals See

Kids Animals
A team of researchers from the University of Sussex in the U.K. and George Mason University in the U.S. used a modified camera to record nature as it might be seen by other animals.

Turtles Versus Tortoises

Youth Animals
These reptiles are often mistaken for each other but, are they the same thing? It's time to get to the bottom of this tort-ally confusing conundrum!

What Is Ambergris?

Youth Animals
Our researcher Dr James Rule explains what ambergris is made of and why we’ve become so fond of it.

The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

Adults Animals
Newborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner.

Ancient Animal Crossing

Kids Animals
Join Squeaks and Jessi as they learn about a time when lots of animals switched places -- like bears, sloths, armadillos, and more.

Who Said Moo?

Kids Animals
Follow along with Red Rooster, while he learns all the sounds the farm animals make. And, see if he will ever discover “who said moo?”

What's The Smallest Animal On Earth?

Youth Animals
Are you wondering: What's the smallest animal on Earth? This question came from Brady, a student from Canada.

Benito The Giraffe

Kids Animals
Benito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.