What causes cavities? - Mel Rosenberg
AdultsEducationHealthHumanScienceHistory... When a team of archeologists recently came across some 15,000-year-old human remains, they made an interesting discovery: the teeth of those ancient humans were riddled with holes.
Why Do Heart Attacks Cause *Arm* Pain?
AdultsHealthHumanScience When the brain receives pain from an internal organ, it often projects the pain in the wrong place because of the way sensory nerve paths converge.
All Better: Phoenix
KidsAnimalsHealth When Phoenix is found outside, he needs medicine to help his fur grow back.
First Aid Training Compilation
YouthEducationHealthHow-to Learn some basic first-aid skills with Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand on Operation Ouch!
When Was The Worst Time In History To Die?
AdultsHealthHistoryHumanScience... By combining historical demography and epidemiology, we can (sort of) determine how people throughout history have died.
Explore the three main ways viruses can be driven to extinction, and dig into the possibility of COVID-19 dying out.
AdultsHealthHistoryHumanScience... Viruses are wildly successful organisms. There are about 100 million times as many virus particles on Earth as there are stars in the observable universe.
All Better: Boo
KidsAnimalsHealth Boo's got a problem: her leg is bent, and it's making her really shy...
How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
AdultsHealthHumanPsychologyMental HealthSelf... You're not at your best when you're stressed. In fact, your brain has evolved over millennia to release cortisol in stressful situations, inhibiting rational, logical thinking but potentially helping you survive, say, being attacked by a lion.
Tinnitus: The Sound of Your Brain
YouthFactsHealthScience Tinnitus is a condition when a person hears a sound when there is no sound stimulus.
Pearly Whites: Weird But True!
KidsAnimalsHealthScienceFun... Find out why a rabbit, lobster, shark, and dinosaur all need a dentist in this Weird But True! video.
How To Treat An Allergic Reaction
YouthHealthHow-to What should you do if someone is having a serious allergic reaction? Let's find out from Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand.
The Future of Public Health: Crash Course Public Health #10
AdultsHealthHistoryHumanEducationFuture... We don’t know what the next big scientific breakthrough is going to be or what futuristic diseases we’ll encounter. But when it comes to our health, we actually have a pretty good idea of what could be next.
The Robot Boot That Learns As You Walk
YouthScienceTechnologyHealth Exoskeletons, devices designed to augment and enhance mobility, are fast becoming a reality, thanks to an explosion in research in recent years.
The Foods That Can Improve Memory
YouthFactsFoodScienceHealth... Memory is our ability to recall information from the recent or distant past. But can what we eat affect how well it works?