Magnetic Slime Tutorial
KidsExperimentsHow-toScienceIn this video, we’ll show you how to make magnetic slime with a simple, step-by-step tutorial.
The Science Behind Wildfires
YouthEnvironmentNatureScienceIn this video, we explore how wildfires start and spread. From the initial spark to the roaring blaze, we'll break down the key factors that add to wildfire behaviour.
Mixing Coke & Milk
KidsExperimentsHow-toScienceJoin us in this fascinating science experiment as we explore the chemical reaction between Coke and milk!
Fallout's Cold Fusion Problem
AdultsEducationScienceTechnology...Was #Fallout’s “artifact” really worth transporting a severed head across the wasteland?
How close are we to powering the world with nuclear fusion?
AdultsScienceSpaceTechnology...Explore the possibility of nuclear fusion technology to create limitless, on-demand energy with almost no emissions.
Do You Have a Free Will?
AdultsPsychologyScienceSelf...Take control over what occupies your mind with Ground News.
The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
YouthHistorySpaceTechnology...In the months leading up to the historic take-off, Nasa put the crew through gruelling, relentless simulations in order to prepare them.
The Last 6 Decades of AI — and What Comes Next | Ray Kurzweil | TED
AdultsLifeScienceTechnology...How will AI improve our lives in the years to come?
Why People Prefer More Pain
AdultsBiologyPsychologyScience...We experimented to see how much pain our volunteers could handle.
Why Monkeys Can Only Count To Four
AdultsAnimalsLifePsychology...There’s an island in the Caribbean where David used to perform magic tricks for monkeys.