Our Best View Of Bacteria Is...From Space?!
AdultsHistoryScienceSpace Observing the effects of microbes using satellites can give us all sorts of useful information about life on Earth ... and other planets too.
Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle?
AdultsDesignEducationScienceSpaceGaming... An ancient, abandoned alien space station has been discovered. Can you beat everyone in the galaxy and reach it first?
Could We Survive Without the Sun? | Because Space
AdultsNatureScienceWeatherSpaceFuture... While gremlins, goblins, and Mr.Burns may think it sounds like a good idea, would a world without the Sun even be possible?
World's Lightest Solid!
AdultsConstructionMediaSciencePhysicsSpace... Aerogels are the world's lightest (least dense) solids. They are also excellent thermal insulators and have been used in numerous Mars missions and the Stardust comet particle-return mission.
What Can The Most Powerful Satellites Really Do?
AdultsScienceSpaceTechnology How powerful are satellites up in space right now? What can they do to help us on Earth?
The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe
AdultsLifeScienceSpace Inside neutron stars we can find the weirdest and most dangerous substance in the universe: Strange matter. What is strange matter, how dangerous is it and what can it tell us about the origin of the universe?
Under the Dark Skies
AdultsHumanNatureSpaceScienceEnvironment... National Geographic partnered with the International Dark-Sky Association to provide families with a true ‘dark sky’ observatory experience, free from the artificial light prevalent in city and suburban communities.
How Do You Survive Being Trapped In Space? ft. William Osman
AdultsHealthHumanSpaceScienceSurvival... William Osman and Blocko are trapped on the international space station for this episode of Deblocked! How do you survive trapped in space?
How Captain Marvel Survives in Space
AdultsFilmScienceSpace Carol Danvers received a plethora of powers when she hybridized with the Kree space aliens, but her most extraordinary is the ability to survive in space.
How Captain Marvel Survives in Space
AdultsCreativityJusticeScienceSpaceFilm... Carol Danvers received a plethora of powers when she hybridized with the Kree space aliens, but her most extraordinary is the ability to survive in space.
Three ways the universe could end
AdultsLifeScienceSpace Our universe started with the Big Bang, but how will it end? Explore cosmologists’ three possible scenarios: the Big Crunch, the Big Freeze and the Big Rip.
Building a Marsbase is a Horrible Idea: Let’s do it!
AdultsEducationScienceSpaceFuture... Humans love to explore. Strangely enough even horrible places – like Mars. Let’s see how building a Mars base could work and how insanely nerve-wracking exactly it would be.
Uranus 101 | National Geographic
AdultsMediaScienceSpace Uranus is a planet beyond convention. Find out why it boasts the coldest temperatures in the solar system, what phenomena caused the unique tilt of its axis, and the curious origin of the planet's name.
Spinning Black Holes
AdultsHistoryScienceSpace A pulsing black hole in the centre of a distant galaxy sheds light on black hole and galaxy formation. How fast are black holes rotating and how does that rotation change over its life-span?
Spinning Black Holes
AdultsMediaScienceSpace A pulsing black hole in the centre of a distant galaxy sheds light on black hole and galaxy formation. How fast are black holes rotating and how does that rotation change over its life-span?
Aliens under the Ice – Life on Rogue Planets
AdultsNatureScienceSpaceBiology... Out in the vast coldness of outer space, there are planets that travel alone through darkness without the boundaries of a system. Here’s how this can happen – and why these frozen deserts might secretly harbor alien life.