Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us
AdultsLifeScienceSpaceThe universe is magnificent and vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, and even more planets. If even the tiniest fraction are habitable, then the Universe should be teeming with life. And yet we see nothing, only vast emptiness. Where is everyone else?
How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future
AdultsHumanLifeSelf...A few words can change the course of a life; they have the power to shrink, expand or transform someone's identity -- even your own. Social psychologist Mesmin Destin explores how everyday interactions and experiences play a powerful part in who we become, sharing the key moments and messages that can inspire us to grow into our best selves.
Accepting Change Through Colour
YouthEnvironmentNatureLife...A story of change in nature, helping us cope with change in life and acknowledge it as a constant part of our experience.
30 Days Building A Modern Underground Hut With A Grass Roof And A Swimming Pool
AdultsConstructionLifeNature...Today we show how to build an underground house with a pool and decorations, including an underground living room.
Truth Decay
AdultsHistoryLifePsychology...Trust is eroding, in part, due to the over-abundance of opinion-based content; we must all develop better tools and habits for consuming information to regain a shared understanding of what is true.
How Smart Are Crows Actually?
AdultsAnimalsLifePsychology...Have you seen that adorable clip of a raven sledding down a snowy roof? We have, so we took a deep dive into how crows and other corvids exhibit tool use, intelligence, and maybe even consciousness.
rimitive Technology: Decarburization of iron and forging experiments
AdultsConstructionCreativityLife...I took a brittle, high carbon/iron alloy (cast iron) made from local ore and used a decarburization method to reduce it's carbon content making it malleable and forged it flat by hammering.
The continents are moving. When will they collide?
AdultsEnvironmentLifeWorld...Dig into the science of plate tectonics to find out when the next supercontinent will emerge— and how it could affect Earth’s environment.