
Could We Stop An Asteroid? Feat. Bill Nye

Adults Technology
Could we stop an asteroid on a collision course for Earth?

How To Fly A Spaceship

Adults Technology
Learn How To Fly A Spaceship To The Space Station With A Retired Astronaut!

GoPro: Furious 7 - Behind the Scenes

Adults Technology
Let Furious 7 take you behind the scenes of their newest film, to show you how the crew and the aerial camera flyers drop multiple cars from a C130 Airplane... and capture the shot.

This new type of 3D printing was inspired by Terminator 2

Adults Technology
This new 3D printing technology by Carbon 3d looks like science fiction. But it's entirely real. Vox's Joseph Stromberg explains.

For What's Next: The New Chromebook Pixel

Adults Technology
The new Chromebook Pixel is the next generation in precision engineering and design.

Samsung Dream Doghouse

Adults Technology
You can visit the Samsung Dream Doghouse on the Samsung Stand at Crufts 2015.

Productivity Future Vision

Adults Technology
How could emerging technology transform the way get things done 5-10 years in the future? Watch Kat, a young independent marine biologist, and Lola, a corporate executive, work together in a highly interconnected and information rich future.

Could We Record Our Dreams?

Adults Technology
Have you ever wished you could record your dreams and watch them later? It may be possible sooner than you think...

This Miniatura W-32 Engine Takes 2,500 Hours To Make And It's Fascinating

Adults Technology
Just thinking of the time and skill that went into making this mechanical work of art is mind blowing.

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors?

Adults Technology
Do cell phones cause brain tumors? Conflicting results are resolved by looking at the big picture.

Project Loon - Google's Internet Balloons - Future Thinking - Head Squeeze

Adults Technology
We are becoming increasingly more dependent on the internet to help run our lives. But much of the planet is outside the web, zones that are without web coverage. Ordinarily, this is more of a nuisance than a calamity. But in the aftermath of disasters, restoring internet coverage can be the difference between life and death.

This "Be My Eyes" App Lets People With Sight Guide Blind People Over Video Chat

Adults Technology
Be the eyes for a blind person in need of help remotely through a live video connection if you are sighted or be assisted by the network of sighted users if you are blind. Be My Eyes is all about contributing to and benefiting from small acts of kindness, so hop on board and get involved!

Hydrogen cars: Ready for the roads?

Adults Technology
The technology for vehicles powered by fuel cells is established, and is set for market. However, the biggest challenge will be to make sure the fuel is available when the cars are available.

Peru Is Now Giving Free Solar Power To Its 2 Million Poorest Citizens

Adults Technology
Off-grid solar panels are bringing electricity to Andean villages as part of a 15-year plan to provide Peru's vast countryside with electricity.

Sparks from Falling Water: Kelvin's Thunderstorm

Adults Technology
The physics behind Kelvin's Thunderstorm explained. No, it is not a practical way of generating electricity, which is why we use turbines at hydro stations.

Light Balance, Britain's Got Talent

Adults Technology
The Ukranian dance troupe of seven, who are making their debut performance in Asia, is part of the mall's line-up of Christmas events and activities. They will be performing from Nov 28 to Dec 7.

Watch One Of The World's Largest Solar Farms Get Built

Adults Technology
When complete, the 550-megawatt Topaz Solar Farms will have more than 8 million modules installed. The project will cover 4,700 acres in San Luis Obispo County and will provide enough electricity equivalent to powering more than 180,000 average California households.

Will Marshall: Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time

Adults Technology
Satellite imaging has revolutionized our knowledge of the Earth, with detailed images of nearly every street corner readily available online. But Planet Labs' Will Marshall says we can do better and go faster - by getting smaller. He introduces his tiny satellites - no bigger than 10 by 10 by 30 centimeters - that, when launched in a cluster, provide high-res images of the entire planet, updated daily.

FLUX 3D Printer

Adults Technology
The all-in-one modular 3D printer.

Katana Fight Between Two ABB Robots

Adults Technology
A katana fight between two ABB robots during an exhibition.


Adults Technology
This Bird Can Mimic Laser Gun Sounds And It's Very Impressive