How to know if you're being selfish (and whether or not that's bad) - Mark Hopwood
AdultsHumanPsychologySelf...Explore a classic philosophical debate and decide: is it human nature to be selfish? And if so, is it possible to overcome it?
Anti-Bullying Week
KidsHumanMental HealthSelf...Charlie was bullied at school but has tried his negative experiences into something positive for other children.
How to overcome your mistakes
AdultsHumanPsychologySelf...Explore what prevents us from learning from our failures, and how to become more resilient through cultivating a growth mindset.
Why is it so hard to break a bad habit?
YouthHumanPsychologyMental Health...Explore the psychology behind how good and bad habits are formed, and get tips on how to manage these behaviors.
How to enter flow state
AdultsHumanPsychologyScience...Explore the defining features of being in a flow state, and get tips on how you can find flow in your daily life.
What Does It Feel Like To Have Autism?
YouthExperimentsPsychologySelf...You or someone you know may have autism. Dr Chris and Dr Xand of Operation Ouch find out what that feels like.