GoPro: GoPro Survives Inferno
AdultsScienceTechnologyAdventureRocket scientists incorporate a number of different testing techniques before committing a rocket to flight. One of those tests is called a "static test." In this setup a rocket engine is fired while being anchored to a test bench. Fitted with instrumentation, the scientist can safely measure thrust, pressure, cooling, and other rocket data. Watch and witness from inside the inferno when something goes wrong.
Freeline Skates are Strangely Awesome
AdultsCreativitySportsAdventure...If rollerblades and ripsticks had a baby, this is what they would look like. These crazy inline skates are like mini skateboards for each foot! We spent a day with Light and ??? cruising the streets of Taipei on their freeline skates. These guys kill it on a longboard as well.
Downhill MTB Course Preview on Technical French Trail
AdultsFilmSportsAdventureClaudio Caluori is back for a new year of World Cup course previews. A new track awaits the world's fastest as they make their way to Lourdes, France, for the opening round of the UCI MTB World Cup. Join Claudio with special guest, Lo�c Bruni, as they take to the French hillside for the first course preview of 2015.
Skydiving into the Blue Hole, Belize
AdultsNatureSportsAdventure...The ultimate skydive in my 22 years of jumping! Exit from 13,500 feet in PERFECT weather conditions (ie endless blue skies, puffy clouds and NO wind) with my beautiful husband slaDE~ and our Arizona friend, Ginger. I deployed at 8,000 feet so I could soak in all the exotic beauty and sublime heavenly experience. A once in a lifetime never-to-forget skydive!!! BTW, my canopy is red, black and gray, and I am the last person to land in this video. WOOHOO!
GoPro: Synchronized Skydive in Dubai
AdultsCreativityFilmSports...Aleksander and Mikhael skydive over Dubai in a mesmerizing routine over the iconic Palm Islands.
The North Face: Alex Honnold
AdultsLifeSportsAdventure...On January 15, 2014, Alex Honnold free-soloed El Sendero Luminoso (The Shining Path) in El Portrero Chico, Mexico in a little over 3 hours. The climb rises 2,500 feet to the summit of El Toro. It could be the most difficult rope-less climb in history.
Pan - Official Teaser Trailer
AdultsFilmMarketingEntertainment...Offering a new take on the origin of the classic characters created by J.M. Barrie, the action adventure follows the story of an orphan who is spirited away to the magical Neverland. There, he finds both fun and dangers, and ultimately discovers his destiny-to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.
Star Wars - The Force Awakens Official Teaser
AdultsFilmMarketingEntertainment...Get your first look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the new 88-second teaser.