
Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Are you wondering, “Why can't dogs eat chocolate?” This question came from Valentina, a student from the United States.

Caitie Says

Follow along and be sure to use your listening skills so you get correct answers!

Hear The Painting: Almond Blossom

What do you hear when you see a painting of Van Gogh? For Remko Kühne, this painting represents the beginning of life.

Lying Down Mindfulness

This is a compilation of videos in which children lie down, relax and close their eyes. Perfect for the end of the school day or before bedtime!

The Liebrary

An entertaining rhyming book telling a story about what happens when a family checks out books from "The Liebrary".

Bluey Minisode: Letter

Nana reads an old story that Bandit wrote when he was five.

Ellie The Elephant And The Stinkin' Thinkin!

Join Ellie on an adventure to learn about the importance of her thoughts - and kick that stinkin' thinkin' to the curb!

Stop Copying Me

Stop Copying Me is a call and response song that kids will have a blast singing and dancing along to.

Gratitude Is Your Super Power

A wonderful book for teachers and parents encouraging children to practice compassion, positive thinking and gratitude through various scenarios.

Creepy Crayons

Join Jasper the rabbit as he encounters a spooky crayon.

Our Moon Festival

A book highlighting the Moon Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Gratitude Jar

A book to encourage children to practice the habit of expressing gratitude to develop a positive mindset.

A Dog's Guide To Being Human

A humorous perspective from a dog named Smudge giving tips to a child on how to be human.

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

Down On The Plain + More | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

Rhyme along with Rhymington Square and more of your favorite Super Simple Songs friends!

Storytime: Sheep Dog And Sheep Sheep

Get ready for a friendship story like no other in this read aloud of the adorable picture book SHEEP DOG AND SHEEP SHEEP!

Storytime: The Sour Grape

The Sour Grape holds grudges for every reason under the sun, but learn how the Sour Grape realizes how unfair grudges can be.

Storytime: Giji And Ojiji

Gigi can’t wait for her Ojiji—Japanese grandpa—to move in. Gigi plans lots of things to do with him.

Storytime: The Way Champs Play

Tennis superstar Naomi Osaka reads from her book, THE WAY CHAMPS PLAY.

The myth of the original star-crossed lovers - Shannon Zhao

Get to know the myth of the weaver and the cowherd, a pair of star-crossed lovers banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way.

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents - (Part One)

Dialect coach Erik Singer takes us on a tour of different accents across English-speaking North America.