
Magenta: The Colour That Doesn't Exist

Youth Biology Science
When we look at a rainbow, we see a full spectrum of light. Every colour we could imagine. Except one – magenta.

How Do We Communicate With Spacecraft?

Youth Space Technology
NASA space communications expert Risha George tells us how it's done.

How Close Are We To Uploading Our Minds?

Youth Biology Human Science Technology Future
Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.

Meditation: Remember The Blue Sky

Youth Self Wellness
The blue sky is a perfect metaphor for the mind. And no matter what happens in life, it's always worth looking for it.

What Is Symbiosis?

Youth Animals Facts Science
You might think symbiosis is when two different species live in perfect harmony— but that’s just one kind of interaction.

How To: Technical Writing

Youth How-to Writing
Learn a little about what technical writing is, and how it is used.

What To Know About Quadruplets

Youth Facts Family Human
What exactly are quadruplets? Let's find out.

Can You Freeze Your Body And Come Back To Life?

Youth History Science Technology Future
Dig into the field of cryobiology and explore the possibility of humans being frozen and preserved for future resurrection.

A Mindful Moment: Balloon Man

Youth How-to Self Wellness
A short and simple mini mindfulness session.

Why Don't Oil And Water Mix?

Youth Experiments How-to Science
Join recipe tester Adelina as she uncovers the scientific secret to making water and oil mix.

What Is Pop Art?

Youth Art History
What is Pop Art? Watch this short introduction for kids to find out!

Studying Forest Biomass From Space

Youth Environment Global Warming Nature
Forestry expert Maurizio Santoro explains how the use of various data can bring a great contribution/benefit to the field of mapping biomass.

Why Hollywood Loves Making Sequels

Youth Media TV World
CBC Kids News contributor Arjun Ram spoke with Canadian film critics to better understand why Hollywood makes so many sequels and why audiences keep watching.

Meditation: This Too Shall Pass

Youth Self Wellness
Nothing stays the same. Meditation trains us to be comfortable with change so we can experience true freedom of mind.

Hagfish: The World's Slimiest Creatures

Youth Animals Facts History Nature Science
Discover the extraordinary capabilities of hagfish, the slime-producing fish that has survived on Earth for over 300 million years.

How The Jump Rope Got Its Rhythm

Youth History Movement Music
Ethnomusicologist Kyra Gaunt takes us on a tour of the fascinating history of the jump rope.

The Artist Who Couldn't Draw

Youth Art Books Self
Roger was super-creative but he had a major secret. Until one day.....

Braille: What Is It Like To Read Without Sight?

Youth Facts Human Science
In this video Red Szell, who lost his sight several years ago, explores what effect learning to read Braille can have on your brain.

A Mindful Moment: Dome

Youth How-to Wellness
A short and simple 30 second breathing exercise - a mini mindfulness session.

What Exactly Is Travel Sickness?

Youth Biology Science
Learn all about travel sickness from Dr Chris and Dr Xand!

Cave Art 101

Youth Art History Human World
From human hands to now-extinct animals, cave art gives us a glimpse into prehistoric life.