
Air Mouse GO Plus

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Now Smrt classes can be even more interactive with the use of an air mouse. This new technology gives way to smooth transitions between pages and activities with no need of wires for an increase of movement in the classroom.

The Power of Voice

Teachers Speaking Teacher Cafe
Voice recordings have become more popular with advances in technology. Exciting new web tools lead to increased proficiency in oral language skills.

Interactive Writing Benchmarks

Teachers Teacher Cafe Writing
Samples of student work at different proficiency levels to assist teachers with a better understanding of the writing competencies and benchmarks.

Create Beautiful Timelines

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology
Tiki-Toki is a web-based timeline software. Any class can have a timeline. Use these timelines for assignments, class notes or homework. They are easy to make and understand.

Webinar -Learner Autonomy

Teachers Productivity Teacher Cafe
February 19th 2014, Lizzie Pinard will host a webinar for English language teachers. The topic is learner autonomy. It will be discussed along with suggestions on practical methods that we can use to encourage learners to be genuinely autonomous outside the classroom.

Blog: An ELT Notebook

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A collection of articles on EFL methodology for teachers at all levels of experience.

Learning English BBC

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A great website for teachers and students. There are several interesting exercises, videos and podcasts here to explore.

Academic Earth Elective Videos

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Spark your intellectual curiosity with these original, thought-provoking videos. Watch, learn, share, debate.

12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom

Teachers Social Media Teacher Cafe
Is social media relevant? There is a myth about social media in the classroom that if you use students will be Tweeting or Snapchatting while you are trying to teach.

Tips to drastically Improve Your English Listening (ESL)

Teachers Listening Teacher Cafe
This article will reveal the best and most effective tips, strategies and techniques to improve your ESL student's listening ability.

4 Online Education Trends for 2014

Teachers Future Teacher Cafe
Learning on the go, learning at the speed of need, gamification and videos are the leaders in new educations trends of 2014.

10 Steps for Avoiding Teacher Burnout

Teachers Self Teacher Cafe
A few steps to get back the feeling that teaching is actually worth it .Instead of avoiding the issue, take positive steps to move forward.

Bullying Prevention

Teachers Psychology Relationships Teacher Cafe
Ideas in a recently published study, focusing on giving students a chance to speak about school connection, peer mistreatment and student and adult actions.

Let It Marinate: The Importance of Reflection and Closing

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A trending article takes a closer look at reflection and closing with classroom examples, deepening learning and reflective activities.

Pear Deck- New in Google Drive

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Build your own interactive lesson from Google Drive.

Steps to Get Started with Digital Student Portfolios

Teachers Teacher Cafe Writing
Here is what you need to know in order to help students create meaningful digital portfolios.

Social and Emotional Learning

Teachers Mental Health Self Teacher Cafe
Teachers need to follow their own behavioural rules and values in the classroom.

Education Needs to Change as Fast as Technology

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology
"In fifteen years we will be teaching programming just like reading and writing..... and wondering why we didn't do it sooner". Mark Zuckerbuerg


Teachers Gaming Teacher Cafe
Make your own gameshow-style review for the classroom.

Write a Letter to the Future

Teachers Future Self Teacher Cafe
Students write an email to their future selves and it is delivered in the future.

IT and Education are like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Teachers Technology Transportation
The tech and instructional sides of education are distinct and unique, but when they work together, they are an unstoppable combo.