
The Hunt for the 'Secret Sauce' of Digital Learning

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology
Research shows that some schools are successful and other are not when it comes to implementing digital learning initiatives. A study released by the America's Promise Alliance Center for Promise, "Wired to Learn K-12 Students in the Digital Classroom" looks at how schools were successful at implementing digital strategies.

8 Ways to Get Reluctant Readers to Read

Teachers Reading Teacher Cafe
Reading is known to have obvious benefits, such as improving vocabulary and increasing the breadth of knowledge that one has. But recent studies have shown other benefits of reading.

Twisted Wave - A Browser-based Audio Editor

Teachers Speaking Teacher Cafe
Through Twisted Wave you can create and edit spoken audio recordings from scratch. Your completed recording tracks can be exported to Google Drive and SoundCloud. You can import and edit existing recordings you have as well.

Best Games for ESL Teachers

Teachers Gaming Teacher Cafe
Games and fun activities are vital part of teaching languages. Whether you are teaching adults or children, games will liven up your lesson and leave your students wanting more.

Comma Story- TED-Ed

Teachers Grammar Teacher Cafe
Watch this TED-Ed entry of the Comma Story by Terisa Folaron, with your students and have them visually understand what a comma is and what is does. Remember the lessons on the side for discussion.

Strategies for Helping Students Motivate Themselves

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A look at how practical classroom strategies are used to reinforce four key qualities of students motivation. The four qualities that are discussed in the article are autonomy, competence, relatedness and relevance.

April - National Poetry Month! Poetry Starters for Every Classroom

Teachers Art Teacher Cafe Writing
April is National Poetry Month and no matter what you teach, you can transform the first five minutes of class to an empowering, issues-packed, discussion-based, poetry-friendly space.

Online Safety

Teachers Internet Culture Teacher Cafe
Online Safety: A Teacher's Guide to Dealing with Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Student Privacy is an article by Sarah Muthler, to increase awareness to educators regrading the safety for their students while they are online.

Lifelong Learning is a Crucial Educational Mindset

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Doctors, lawyers and other professionals never stop learning new techniques and strategies to hone their craft and remain on the cutting edge in their field- and so too, do teachers.

ESL/ ELL Error Correction- Yes, No or Maybe?

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Teachers must decide whether or not to offer correction in every class. Appropriate correction and feedback is a staple of the ESL, ELL, and EFL classroom, just the same as activities and drills are. Too much and too little correction can hinder results.

How to Greatly Improve Your English Pronunication

Teachers Speaking Teacher Cafe
Learning to pronounce English words correctly can be one of the hardest parts of learning English. Languages have different sounds that other languages may not have, so learners will have to learn how to make completely new sounds.

News App- Circa

Teachers Media Teacher Cafe
Circa is news condensed. It takes all the news you would read on 10 different news sites and summarizes it in one place. It also updates every story with the latest information, as it happens. A great option about Circa is the ability to "Follow" stories, or receive updates about the news story as they develop.

Once Upon a Device- Reading Activities

Teachers Reading Teacher Cafe
Often, teachers have to use material that is older than the students, written in archaic language, and that take place in countries and imaginary worlds our learners have no experience with. Activities should help learners visualize and experience these worlds and have a better understanding of the mindset of the characters. Many apps inspire creativity and provide multimedia rich experiences and story creation.

Fresh Starts for Hard-to-Like Students

Teachers Mental Health Teacher Cafe
Even though your toughest students are just kids at the mercy of emotions they don't understand or can't control, it can be hard for a teacher to stay calm and not take these ongoing behavioural problems personally. Dr. Allen Mendler's advice: its' time to hit the reset button!

Redefining the Role of the Teacher: it's a Multifaceted Profession

Teachers Future Teacher Cafe
Judith Taack takes a closer look at what being an educator really means. In the article she explains how teaching should be considered a trade rather than a profession and she addresses how culture has changed and so should teaching.

May the Fourth Be With You: Celebrating Star Wars Day in the Classroom

Teachers Gaming Teacher Cafe
Make holidays fun in your classroom this May with different games and activities. The students do not need to know everything about Star Wars to have fun with a new theme for the day.

Timeline Creations: Sutori

Teachers Creativity Reading Teacher Cafe
Create and explore with your students today. Sutori is a website that allows users to create timelines in visual ways. Teachers can post content, ask questions and elaborate on answers.

The Nostalgia Machine

Teachers Teacher Cafe
The idea of sending an old song or video to a friend is where the project launched. This entertaining website could be an interesting and amusing glimpse into the world of your students and for them into yours.

Creating Materials For ELL's and ESL

Teachers Creativity Teacher Cafe
The article, "Technologically and linguistically adventurous EFL teacher" written by Sandy Millin shares ideas on how to create material for your students. She offers tips and techniques to building your own resources along with extra tools to experiment with.

Hello-World: World Languages for Children

Teachers Teacher Cafe World
A new way of telling stories. This unique website uses interactive maps, video, captions and links with short readings and vivid images to share geological information and sites. There are several different countries and places highlighted for your students to explore!

Creating Meaningful Experiences Through Video

Teachers Creativity Photography Teacher Cafe
In today's digital world, one of the greatest powers we have is the ability to tell our stories- and share them with the world. Teaching students how to tap into that power not only makes learning more meaningful, but it positions them to take their place in digital society.