Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
Noun I had a car accident yesterday. Nobody was hurt.
angry Adjective The teacher was angry because the students weren't listening to him.
apologize Verb I want to apologize to you for what I did.
borrow Verb May I borrow some money?
box Noun When I moved, I put all of my clothes in boxes.
bridge Noun From the bridge, you can see the city.
bullet Noun There are six bullets in the gun.
[a bus, train, plane, etc.]
Verb I tried to catch my train, but I was 2 minutes too late.
climb Verb I loved to climb trees when I was a child.
common Adjective That fruit isn't very common in my country.
crash Verb Don't look at your phone when you drive. You will crash the car!
cross Verb The only way to cross the river is with a bridge.
dangerous Adjective I didn't play hockey when I was a child because it's too dangerous.
[my pen]
Verb Excuse me! Did you drop this?
explain Verb My teacher explained this word to me.
fall Verb Be careful! Don't fall!
[pay a...]
Noun I had to pay a fine for what I did.
forest Noun There is a beautiful forest near my house with lots of trees.
funny Adjective I laughed a lot when I watched this funny movie.
garbage Noun A truck comes every Tuesday to pick up the garbage.
ghost Noun I do not believe in ghosts. They are not real.
guide Noun, Verb In the guide, we read about a nice park to visit.
gun Noun Hunters usually use guns to kill animals.
highway Noun You can drive really fast on the highway.
[a meeting, a race, etc.]
Verb We will hold the event on September 22nd.
hunt Verb The men are hunting turkeys in the forest.
hurt Verb I really hurt myself when I fell down.
injure Verb Four people were injured in the car accident.
invite Verb I want to invite you to my party.
[not give back]
Verb You can keep that. I don't need it anymore.
[not find something]
Verb I need to buy a new phone. I lost mine last week.
[of a class, team, etc.]
Noun The band has five members in it.
memory Noun I have a terrible memory. I can't remember people's names.
mess Noun Let's clean up this mess.
[a bus, class, etc.]
Verb I don't want to miss the bus. Let's run!
pick up
[in a car]
Phrasal Verb Can you pick me up at 3 o'clock?
prison Noun The man spent three years in prison because he stole a car.
promise Noun, Verb Please promise me that you will never do that again.
race Noun, Verb My friend always does bicycle races on the weekends. He is very fast.
reason Noun Please tell me the reason why you did that.
relationship Noun I have a good relationship with my coworkers.
rent Verb I rented a car when I was on vacation.
rule Noun Can you explain to me the rules of the game?
scare Verb Spiders always scare me when I see them.
serious Adjective Don't joke about this. It's serious.
similar Adjective Your hair is similar to Jeff's.
stair Noun He never takes the elevator. He always takes the stairs.
steal Verb Someone stole my bicycle. Now, I have to walk to school.
strange Adjective I don't think we should drink this milk. It smells strange.
suddenly Adverb I opened the door, and a ghost suddenly flew out of the room!
take care of Phrasal Verb Can you take care of my dog this weekend?
terrible Adjective I feel terrible about what I said. I'm really sorry.
traffic Noun I drove to work this morning at 6 o'clock. There was very little traffic.
UFO Noun That isn't a bird. I think it's a UFO!
unique Adjective That music is very unique. I have never heard anything similar.
wallet Noun I forgot my wallet at home this morning. May I borrow some money for lunch?