Teacher Notes

The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:

Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with a partner or group:

  • When was the last time you apologized to someone? What did you do to them?
  • Have you ever apologized for something you didn't do? If so, why did you do it?
  • Who do you apologize most to in your life? Why?

Part Two: Listening


Open Exercise #1 to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise #2.

Conversation #1



Crystal: May I speak with you?

Mr. Johnson: Yes. What is it?

Crystal: Um, I just wanted to apologize for missing yesterday's class.

Mr. Johnson: That's okay, but we missed you yesterday. Is everything okay?

Crystal: Well, my daughter wasn't feeling very well, so I stayed home to take care of her.

Mr. Johnson: I'm sorry to hear that. How is she today?

Crystal: She's better now and back at school.

Mr. Johnson: That's good to hear. Thank you for explaining.

Conversation #2



Jack: Hi honey.

wife: It's 6.30. You're an hour late. You said you'd be home at 5.30.

Jack: I know. I'm really sorry.

wife: Well, what happened? Where were you?

Jack: Oh, traffic was just terrible. There was an accident on the highway. It took me 30 minutes just to cross the bridge.

wife: I see. Well, your dinner's cold now.

Jack: Okay, I'll warm it up in the oven. Again, I'm sorry.

wife: Hmm.

Conversation #3



Chris: James, do you have a second?

James: Sure, what's up?

Chris: Your party the other night. You invited me, but I didn't go.

James: Oh yeah, you missed a good party, man. There were lots of people there.

Chris: Yeah, I really wanted to go, and thanks again for inviting me. I finished work late that night, and I had to wake up early again the next morning.

James: Oh no, that's too bad.

Chris: Yeah, so I'm sorry I couldn't go. I promise I'll be at the next one.

James: No problem, Chris. I understand.

Chris: Thanks.

