If it rains tomorrow, let's go shopping at the mall.
In English, there are rules to learn about using sentences with if. We call this kind of grammar the Conditional. In this unit, we are going to learn about three kinds of conditional sentences.
If in Complex Sentences
If is used in complex sentences (Unit 7). This means we can say if at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Remember to use a subject and verb in each clause. Also, we need a comma in the middle of a sentence when it begins with if:

If the weather is good tomorrow, I'll probably take the convertible.
I'll probably take the convertible if the weather is good tomorrow.

If he gets a ticket, he always pays it right away.
He always pays it right away if he gets a ticket.

If you have time, could you give me a hand?
Could you give me a hand if you have time?
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