Look at the sentences below. Can you see the mistake in each sentence? Discuss it with a partner.

  • Diego and his brother has put antifreeze in the car.
  • My father he is a successful mechanic in my country.
  • After he had a collision last night, Toby goes to the police station to report the accident.


After you write something for school or for work, you should read it again carefully and look for mistakes. Reading something slowly and carefully to look for mistakes is called proofreading. Some people call it editing:

  • Diego and his brother has put antifreeze in the car.
  • My father he is a successful mechanic in my country.
  • After he had a collision last night, Toby goes to the police station to report the accident.

In 115, you have learned about mistakes like comma splices and sentence fragments. There are many other little mistakes that students often make in writing. After you write an exam or before you send an email, proofread your sentences and look out for these things:

Problems with Singular or Plural Nouns

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